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About UwPp

  • Birthday 09/12/1942

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Elder (10/22)



  1. Does my drug dealer count as a small business?
  2. Also: Fatty. Fatty boy. Fat boy. Little fat boy. Turkey butt. Little wahwah.
  3. Name: Mew What I call him: MewMew Moomoo Mewmew stinky butt Little butt Little kitty mewmew Baby love Mommas boy
  4. Gma has broken her tailbone and has blockage in her carotid. My furnace is broken and it's 12 degrees. Mew and I are gonna go to my gmas apartment since my house is only 48 degrees. ... 😭 good thing I have pto.
  5. 24 hours now in the ED with gma. Still haven't seen a dr. This poor woman keeps getting cardiology orders and nobody knows who's ordering them. ... 😭 my poor mommy hasn't slept. I feel so bad.
  6. Listen, I've spent the day and am still spending the day at the ED with my gma. I hadn't ate all day. Tbell has a spell on me. Also my mommy was hungry. So I had to get her some mcdonalds. Because we didn't eat all day. Oh and we had dunkin coffee. ... I still need to put gas in my car. So how dafuq.
  7. @Naraku4656 Nerd.
  8. Nightmares. I had a dream I was at some school function. Meeting the president but like he knew I hated him and he was after me. Then a weird demon showed up and tried attacking me. 😭😂😭 it's funny now that i type it out. But it had me shaking. Wtf did I eat before I went to bed?
  9. My job is hiring. Our turn around rate sucks balls. Is it really that hard to answer a phone and take a message?
  10. Since we're all sharing how we don't shave. I give you the leg. ... I have blonde leg hair (thank oogly moogly).
  11. Mcdonalds is disgusting. And continues to get gross. ... Needless to say regrets were made and now i feel like I'm going to puke.
  12. Why did I decide to watch a murder documentary when I'm home alone by myself tonight? ... 😭😭😭
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