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Everything posted by JeNewBee

  1. Oh my gorsh I have an admirer owo
  2. List of things JeNewBee doesn't have time for 1. A Matt that spells his name with only one T
  3. Naw dog naw Just give it time
  4. ::spin::
  5. Come on you can tell me
  6. Well?
  7. With a lot to say
  8. I usually am told someone is flirting with me by a third party So I am less than useless when it comes to these situations Like I know enough to flirt back but not enough to be aware that is what I'm doing
  9. No I've felt neglected by all of you
  10. Have I told you there's no one else above you?
  11. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1264074547047817&id=135167356605214 Not sure if anyone can see it But should link to it
  12. JeNewBee


    So strictly fucking duck with you then got it
  13. JeNewBee


    I believe the term for that is beating the eggs Or was it basting?
  14. Did you steal the janitor's keys?
  15. Is this going to turn into one of those things where you say that you "work there" But later we find out you are a patient?
  16. You're hard!
  17. Stealer of threads from virgin's clothing
  18. I've been told on good authority that you in fact do exist
  19. Think alcohol is better for the kidneys than soda
  20. Like a known one? Or privately owned?
  21. Where do you work?
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