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Everything posted by JeNewBee

  1. So basically nothing happened
  2. Never really been not single S:
  3. And ready to mingle
  4. Did the weather steal your purse while threatening you with a knife?
  5. The pic isn't showing up for the button but now I got it
  6. Wtf why is working for everyone else.
  7. [blockquote]'https://youtu.be/YQHsXMglC9A' is not a valid dice string![/blockquote]
  8. No it isn't
  9. I'm on a mobile device It works on computers But not on mobile devices
  10. > You knew this whole time this would happen! Trolololol But seriously can you show him how to fix it now? ::HMM::
  11. It isn't on mobile devices
  12. You are not the only one
  13. It's doing nothing but showing a link
  14. Okay so am I not getting what embed means? When I copy the url It doesn't show up on the page Yeah and same when I copy and paste from share option
  15. It doesn't work
  16. The why you are claiming it's done doesn't work either
  17. Weren't the three bottoms for YouTube? Couldn't have just got rid of auto play one? Also the auto-thing isn't working right? Cause it isn't on my end
  18. Admin[/member] You just really don't know how the vast majority of people Use the internet anymore do you
  19. Wow really? That thing no one asked for you did it!
  20. Nope didn't auto-embed
  21. I was really hoping you were just asshole and he wasn't really dead
  22. Just so we're clear
  23. Yay funny business still an option!
  24. Wait we were going out?!?!! Didn't even get to try any funny business.
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