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Everything posted by brainscour

  1. He's trying to say it's not cultural. It is. It's the Orthodox Church. Second. He's not trying to justify anything. He's trying to explain rationally that these people's strife is extradition more than murder. I mean I only say this through my deepest insight at a glance from outside the sandbox but they're not idiots.
  2. ...no I don't think I will loosen ties with my strongest ally today.
  3. Where the fuq have I been? Pepsi what? Coke who now? dafuq
  4. Bullshit. It taste like craters and space wind
  5. Great Job!
  6. /thread
  7. Babe, it's English class calm down.
  8. 22 percent of what?
  9. You are presenting a double standard? No nature has limits. Yes reality is real. Why the f*** is there something to study there in your mind?
  10. Did you ever hear sometimes being too bold with the truth is also equivalated as bossy or pushy? Tread lightly with those words
  11. hey you wanna talk Russian Orthodox reasons? I say look at disrespect of God in these countries!
  12. brainscour

    tl; dr

    Post moar
  13. brainscour

    tl; dr

  14. brainscour

    tl; dr

  15. brainscour

    tl; dr

    You say that like translating brain the words is easy or something
  16. brainscour

    tl; dr

  17. Poor boy needs a little therapy I'd say I'm surprised the news anchor didn't pop him
  18. Too bad for Locc
  19. p_wnd
  20. I push out my lawlz and no replies? Imma go in ffa
  21. Russia =/= Assad never will
  22. Today 1 million ukrainians got a shower for clean water and clean soap because they can't think they were never taught a language they are Eco dome lololo chemical waterfare
  23. It's probably a region of our actual ancestors of our species and they're going in with bleach and Lysol and cleaning their kitchens and toilets because they have no knowledge but they're a remnant it's like Eco dome la la la la la lol
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