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Everything posted by scope

  1. Yeah I don't read manga much so I'm not too familiar with the source material but I trust they can execute an anime only episode at this point, it's a top 5 shonen for me now, maybe just a step behind HxH 2011, Brotherhood, Gintama
  2. It will be, it's consistently interesting, trimming the fat that plagues most shonen and seems to get better each arc, I mean I know it started in 2016 but it's the best anime of the year so far
  3. Fuggs fav flavor hot dog is prison guy, but chances are he's probably tasting them a lot more than she does.
  4. "Why do the Jets suck?" The answer is in the question....
  5. The dragon would basically have to stand right in front of that weapon and face it for this contraption Cersi seems to have so much faith in, but hey it might work because Game of Thrones loves making the biggest PoS win.
  6. But you're still going to.
  7. Needs to go
  8. I smoke wit cigarettes all day erryday
  9. Are you the Paulie Gundam from Jersey Shore?
  10. Sonic fast food commercials are worse, won't even post an instance because that means I might have to watch it to even 0:03
  11. Yet none of those are even close to the highest rated.
  12. Even if it's about what most people think, Stand Alone Complex has a higher rating than any of the idk.....dozen and a half Gundam series' on MAL
  13. You'd like more "adult" anime but gave Ghost in the Shell 2/10 Your taste in anime is akin to the symbol beside your name.
  14. Bathroom fights never seem to go too smoothly. S:
  15. Captain Planet vs Drizzle
  16. Oh yeah, something like this right?
  17. Yeah well what fucking good has it done you?!
  18. scope

    ooh mama

    It's the children that matter.
  19. scope

    ooh mama

    Find tennis
  20. scope

    ooh mama

  21. Definitely some grey area with him, I think that's what makes him so good.
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