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Everything posted by scope

  1. Something's gotta give :::
  2. ur dad?
  3. Have you tried sacrificing a goat on a full moon?
  4. The most brutal part about it is Rick's inability or unwillingness to deal with reality
  5. Well it's obvious they didn't take his hand because of his ability to strategize.
  6. Not at all, kinda felt bad for the guy, he didn't seem like a bad fighter but now I think his confidence is rocked. Need to see Lomachenko against someone like Mikey Garcia next, the complete domination is getting old, it's impressive but not very fun like a Mayweather fight.
  7. haha my bad, I forget you tend to watch the reruns.
  8. Sasha's ability to stay in character is impressive.
  9. but people are still gonna be posting about this for weeks.
  10. Lomachenko pitchin perfect games in a sport where you're not supposed to be allowed to.
  11. Read my mind....think I posted this same thread on the old board lol
  12. McGregor knocks out Malignaggi See that's proof, it totally happened legitimately, it's obvious we all vastly underestimating Conor's boxing skills.
  13. scope


    I'll have some of what ur having :420:
  14. aka Zeni continues his campaign to further himself up the FBI watchlist
  15. Pink intestines are sexier for gore fans.
  16. Hello pot, meet kettle
  17. Wait til Bulma sees that tongue :D
  18. Well anime is basically the final vanguard of traditional animation, I think most anime fans don't want CG to take over.
  19. I'm all for CG in anime because some things like traffic and appliances are difficult and resource consuming to animate traditionally, but entirely CG is something I'll never have interest in.
  20. So Klitschko retired, at least he went out with a bang with that Joshua fight, I'd rather see a boxer retire on time than get that Hopkins/Jones punch drunk love syndrome, I know it's a combat sport but I don't enjoy seeing fighters get unnecessarily hurt.
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