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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by CorbeauKarasu

  1. "I'll just pummel you into fertilizer with my remaining arm!"
  2. c'mon. this is some ridiculous bullshit. i love it to death, but it's some bullshit. just like Jonathan breathing at the bottom of the lake
  3. that was the funniest bullshit I've ever seen.. god bless you Joseph Joestar
  4. Joseph is such an ass. but i love him is it because he can also use Hamon?
  5. i loved the old theme song. BUT I LOVE THIS NEW THEME SONG
  6. if you don't calm down, i may have to make out with you ?????
  7. in the beginning, it's a bit funny. very dragon ball-esque in its wacky humor, but after that, it just get annoying.
  8. okay, everything from here on is pure disappointment but that reaction he gave to getting on first base was adorable
  9. gohan. fitting in doesn't matter. let them find out your true nature. you'll be a lot better off
  10. "Gundam is..the enemy!!' --Gundam UC
  11. wow. what was that song? well, it's better than the dub of the previous song.
  12. Gohan's ssj2 transformation is just one of the best moments in the whole series.
  13. this really feels like Japan never made Kai episodes for the Buu saga and Funimation just slapped them together in the Kai style to get more money out of the American market?
  14. who the fck was that woman? wait, was she the girl from the cell games?
  15. Mr. Satan talking about his godlike in-laws so casually. it's funny to me.
  16. so angle the energy wave toward the sky? what a pathetic excuse to keep this altercation going..ah well. at least we got to see baby Trunks be a badass.
  17. i ADORE chibi Trunks. i've always felt like Goten was extraneous, but little trunks I love. i feel like if Goten weren't around, Gohan and Trunks would have gotten a lot closer and maybe Gohan wouldn't have turned out so freaking lame.
  18. does Mama Piccolo disapprove of his little boy's new wife?
  19. Gohan became such a damned disappointment. i know I'm stating the obvious, but damn. i mean, there are lots of ways he could have been a scholar AND awesome, but no.... also, are y'all sure that's not Kid Trunks' orignal VA?
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