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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by CorbeauKarasu

  1. man, did naruto rip this off as well? though nen types make it clear that you can use many of them, even those against your nature (albeit with difficulty). naruto's explanation of chakra bound its users too much to one type and i didn't like that. if you're born a fire nature type, you should be able to learn water style ninjutsu, but with difficulty.
  2. i've always hated mecha that mimics the movements of their pilot. i always thought it was a super lazy way to design a piloting system. but this NT-D system seems like it restricts the pilot's actual movements and transers their desire to move through the mech itself. not copying the body, but becoming the body.
  3. slicing up Kshatriya like a piece of fruit
  4. better that than the ridiculous modern style
  5. i'm probably reaching, but that toonami music video feels a bit like it's about the current political climate.
  6. spry-ass old man lol. Banagher's friends end up meeting the person he went off to find
  7. no were not supposed to know who that is yet
  8. side 7 all over agin. oh man, the principal! burned in atomic fire
  9. let them flail and piss themselves in futility. their days are numbered. you are right and they are wrong.
  10. not too comfortble with a nazi hero. especially in this climate, but whatever. die or convert to the light, stroiheim.
  11. Von Stroiheim, you nazi piece of shit. run up and open the door into the sunlight
  12. yeah. more disco, please! better to try than to make no action better to cry than to fake your emotion
  13. oh god, was that the whole episode? it's all gohan fucking up: the series?
  14. Yo, I think you lost this. -- Great Saiyaman
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