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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. Tbh, Silver Chariot is the first stand I can say that I absolutely adore.
  2. So, Silver Chariot is specially tailored to counter Magician's Red?
  3. I feel that it's at least preparing us for what's to come. I can't say the same for most of Super.
  4. All of this stuff seems....pointless. Considering they just fucking wished a bunch of people back, including "the good people and not the bad ones."
  5. Lol, I love the exposition given by Kibito for the realm of the Kais. "No, the one that isn't hallowed ground..."
  6. At first I thought Babidi would be the first DBZ villain to get his ass kicked by a mere human. I wish it had happened too...
  7. "YOU'LL FLOAT TOO!" It is gonna' be the best Stephen King film adaptation.
  8. I forgot how many episodes Gohan has been considered "dead" or "near death."
  9. Whelp, Bulma just mentioned the four month cool down period...
  10. Lol, and the best part is that they're doing this in the middle of a city. >
  11. Even though it was filler, I didn't find this episode to be a waste of time.
  12. I knew she wouldn't get her question answered. >
  13. He's about to give a Wikipedia article length story about them, lmfao.
  14. Lol, that frog is scared shitless.
  15. Also likely retconned or altogether not canon by this point.
  16. On the other side of the world, being used as a plot device as far as two episodes ago.
  17. .....So, suddenly they've known each other since Bulma was a kid? Was this mentioned before, or did it come out of fucking nowhere?
  18. Getting on a woman's bad side immediately after she practically fondled you? Takes talent. Or lack of smarts.
  19. Lol, wanted for "Dine 'n Dash." What a cheap ass.
  20. Hopefully this is more interesting than last week's episode.
  21. I read about halfway through. The author couldn't write her way out of a fucking prison sentence. The dialogue felt fake. At some point I simply decided that reading the entire book was not worth the effort.
  22. Well, that was quite the ending for a first episode! Sad part is that this show is a blur to me, so I don't remember much about it at all.
  23. Samurai Frankenstein is on the chase!
  24. That transition though. *GUNSHOT* EXT. BAR - NIGHT
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