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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. Oh, right. Forgot that the Bomber was the antagonist for this arc.
  2. We have entered the "WTF" part of Greed Island.
  3. Agreed. I was surprised when I learned that a number of voice actors from 4Kids had dubbing roles for HxH.
  4. I would not want to play volleyball with him.
  5. The Phantom Troupe are back!
  6. He's wasted so much time chasing Kaneki. Meanwhile, we've wasted so much time watching this shitty show for six months.
  7. Cocaine man comes to say goodbye to Kaneki.
  8. Kaneki has his gimp half mask, so I guess he's ready to rock and roll.
  9. Your side is winning so far, it seems. Jesus fuck.
  10. With all of the goofy gimp shit, I'm surprised that Hot Topic didn't try to sponsor this for [as].
  11. The soldier seriously just said "Stay frosty." I'm fucking done, ya'll. I don't have enough alcohol in my system for this shit.
  12. Actually, the show is just that predictable.
  13. So wait, they JUST broadcast their plan to the city? How did the news get wind of that shit? Or has it already happened?
  14. Knew it'd reach Kaneki.
  15. To think that she was Klungo's daughter.
  16. Three more episodes after this. Just keep in mind, it'll be replaced with Iron Blooded Orphans Season 2.
  17. Never mind, I get it now. Note is supposed to be something to say about your career before you go to war and possibly die.
  18. I've no idea what kind of note that's supposed to be. Anybody have a clue?
  19. Weeeelllll....I guess another ship would normally be a good thing, but that music gives me the idea that it isn't meant to be construed as such.
  20. Yet another stand user who isn't joining the party.
  21. Basically, the creature from the black lagoon, but from the ocean and with a mask.
  22. Fucking sinister sailor (captain) that guy is.
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