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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. I hope this is a meaningful fight. Gotta' end this on an "okay" note.
  2. Does this mean it's dead? Please confirm that it's dead.
  3. Wow. Even Hot Topic's mascot is afraid.
  4. If only this was the last episode. Instead it's the next to last episode...
  5. So it turns out that he hasn't completely converted to their side.
  6. I saw it coming. He's planning to burn him alive.
  7. Easy for anybody else to say. I have an irrational fear of dolls, especially porcelain ones. I can't do that shit. :'(
  8. I would still prefer Rape Ape over this fucking doll.
  9. Well....if you're worried about Polarev, go to his room!
  10. The card gave me slight Devilman vibes. May have even been a nod to the character...
  11. Last week when I said "Their next opponent looks like a doll," I didn't mean he literally needed to look like a doll. I hate those fuckers!
  12. Lmfao, having to pay for an extra room because the kid can't stand being with him. Is that shit even legal?
  13. That officer was fucking stretching for a fine. Must not have met his ticket quota yet...
  14. I remember everyone talking about this in school. Great times.
  15. He traded his eyebrows for longer hair! Fucking amazing!
  16. Lol, he's so strong, the clouds go TO him.
  17. He seemed very annoyed just then.
  18. Lol, how many episodes has it been since Hercule made an appearance? I can't remember.
  19. I remember when this shit happened. I was in grade school, still. This is MAGIC.
  20. Because he has a new, undiscovered power that he's kept secret until now for no particular reason.
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