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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. King Yemma, there's an afterlife. You already know this. She just needs to die first.
  2. Bottles from Banjo-Kazooie makes a cameo appearance.
  3. HE MADE A HOUSE OUT OF PEOPLE?! I feel that I would have remembered this, but I don't!
  4. I look forward to OG DBZ instead of Super when Toonami's on for some reason. Don't know why.
  5. So his name is literally "Hit?" Damn. I guess they're running out of names for this or something.
  6. Well, that's it. Fight's over. >
  7. Buuuuut, I guess play time is over since Vegeta went blue.
  8. Yep. The smile reveals everything. He wanted it to happen.
  9. ....Was that a Christmas commercial, or did my ears deceive me? I wasn't looking.
  10. Okay, is this really Vegeta talking?
  11. Not reading it, but I suspect this is
  12. Oh shit, Vegeta's pride rears its ugly head.
  13. Nice fakeout by Vegeta.
  14. Lmfao. One is nothing but muscle, but the other is shaped like a fucking twig!
  15. Nothing like brotherly hate to add some tension.
  16. I forgot how the last episode concluded.
  17. This explains the unlikable MC very well.
  18. If my Internet craps out around 11:00 PM again, I'm fucking dumping Frontier. Hopefully that won't be necessary, and I can enjoy the shows while staying here.
  19. I actually saw it in theaters. Fun time, even though I REALLY shouldn't have been let in since I was 15 and all.
  20. Whelp. I made a thread about this. In the wrong section. Several days late. Oops. Still, he's going to be missed. What I find quite sad is that even though cardboard cutouts cannot reciprocate love....he didn't care. He still loved that cutout. That kind of love is hard to find these days.
  21. If you don't know who Grape-kun is, he's a penguin who was ditched by his mate for a younger penguin. Grape-kun fell in love with a cardboard cutout of an anime girl, which was left in his pen by the zookeepers. He gained celebrity status in Japan for this reason. Sadly, he was found dead beside the cardboard cut out just a couple of days ago. Wasn't sure if this belonged in the anime section or not. http://metro.co.uk/2017/10/13/elderly-penguin-who-fell-in-love-with-a-cardboard-cutout-dies-with-his-girlfriend-by-his-side-6998692/
  22. Yeah, but they had 3 wins, 4 losses, and 3 draws. They would have been torn a new ass hole if they made it in anyway.
  23. It's raining. Rain is often used as a symbol for ominous or upcoming sad moments. Please, no kill.
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