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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. Something hilarious is about to happen with the camels, I think.
  2. Even they're aware that there's probably someone out to kill them now. You know, since it happens every time they enter a new city.
  3. His hair actually looks pretty cool when it's messed up.
  4. Time for them to wage war against the Sun.
  5. I would feel remorse since the episode will be taking its first break after only three episodes, buuuut I have a feeling the next episode will be filler or flashbacks. Or a mixture of both. Admittedly, it was an okay episode because the characters have actually made some progress in the plot.
  6. I guess they've almost made it.
  7. I wonder if he even knows how to use his grimoire's powers, or if it magically decides when to "activate" when the story demands it.
  8. Yuno: "We can't be friends Asta. Remember? I haven't cried since I was a child, therefore I lack the ability to feel or have any meaningful friendships."
  9. Lmfao, they're rubbing it in. It's so hard to feel anything positive for the characters in this show.
  10. So he really just cleaved through a tree? I guess that's impressive.
  11. LOL, the kid pretty much just said what we all want to say to Asta...
  12. We're already at commercial break? Feels like the other shows had a longer run time prior to taking breaks.
  13. Merlin and the nun are making fun of the reverend-whose-name-I-forget for reasons I don't understand.
  14. Wait, he still doesn't have magic? I thought the grimoire he received was supposed to change that.
  15. Well, look at that! Meaningful backstory. We need more of that.
  16. YES, an actual daikaiju!
  17. Don't forget the exorbitant number of flashbacks...
  18. And we have to wait three weeks. Fucking January...
  19. Everyone is so afraid of Buu, yet they're following him and Piccolo with so much curiosity.
  20. At this point, the lookout isn't going to exist as a single construct. It'll be in pieces.
  21. He's growing impatient.
  22. I only said that because they're always found in the dairy section of stores.
  23. Chichi's old age seems to have caught up with her. The consequence: Buu turns her into a dairy product instead of candy. Must mean that Buu doesn't really like her enough to eat her.
  24. Lmfao at that tiny mound of sand at the bottom. I think it'll be a while. Perhaps even until fucking February...
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