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Everything posted by Dark_Cloud_Overhead

  1. Even the sound of Chopper's footsteps is cute.
  2. Yeah, what the heck is that? A piece of meat on his cheek? I was gonna say. LOL
  3. Ate an entire can of beans earlier, so I'm all ready to go here.
  4. How do you replicate someone's soul? What the heck. And how in wide world of sports did Bondrewd go down there and go back up? I guess since he could take over multiple bodies, it's possible. I remember them saying there were problems with doing that between layers though. Also, if he went down there already, why'd he want to let them go down then? Thought it was so he could watch through Nanachi.
  5. So the other robot dudes like Reg then, and there were others from higher layers. Wonder if they were captured by cave raiders then.
  6. Well, he was affected by the knockout gas the guys in suits used on their ship to take them prisioner before, so only stands to reason he'd be affected by poison gas, too. Cyborg's still have a biological component to them anyway. He must still have human lungs then I'd guess.
  7. Hmm. If Law is getting hit with whatever it is that's dropping everyone, it's probably not due to the gas. Could be the new mysterious figure that just showed up. Someone from Law's past it seems. Perhaps we'll finally get some backstory on him. I really hope so.
  8. A "gastanet?" Really? LOL Damn though. Caeser's a total mad bomber. Emphasis on the mad part.
  9. Talk about taking a wrong turn. That pink guy again? Wow, he actually helped this time.
  10. Flower shower. Weirder and weirder. Does that mean a bunch of people died recently up above? Okay, how did Majikaja know about Bondrewd and Mitty? And how does Faputa know Reg's name that Riko gave him? Questions abound.
  11. Continuing my Sci-Fi nostalgia tour with Stargate SG-1. Just finished season 1. I always loved the movie, but never quite understood how they could possibly turn it into a long running TV series, but I gotta say it's pretty good -- far exceeding my expectations so far. Doesn't hurt that it starred Richard Dean Anderson, and MacGyver was one of my most favorite shows that I used to watch as a kid.
  12. Bullet Train 9/10 That was one insane ride and probably the best action flick I've seen all year.
  13. Yeah, Faputa is her name now I guess. What happened to the rest of them I wonder though? Gues we'll find out in time.
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