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Everything posted by Dark_Cloud_Overhead

  1. Not bad. My favorite part was the robot guy eating. That really made me laugh.
  2. Holy decapitation batman! He's a samurai Thing, and now it's an all out gang fight.
  3. WTH ... is going on with this show? Rockiens? So aliens are normal there. And what was with that guy getting eaten by the fish?!
  4. Orinoko? She sounds and looks an awful lot like Ninamori.
  5. It's Agent Smith! Quick, where's Neo?
  6. I'm still kind of mad SyFy gave Krypton the ax after just two seasons.
  7. Way to go Jimmy! Still, I'm little surprised he'd sell his pride an joy just like that, but for that much dough can't say I blame him. Oh yeah, and can't wait for season 2 so we can all apparently
  8. They totally telegraphed that reveal. I'm kind of upset at myself for not having seen it coming sooner though, as Lois's dad being a general is a pretty basic part of her background.
  9. Byakuya's just a total badass man of science. Gotta love how much faith he had in Senku. Whoa, he wasn't his actual father! Doesn't really matter to Senku at all though, heh.
  10. Uh... okay. Just cuz you turn off the lights doesn't mean the power lines running through the buildings aren't still carrying power, but whatever. I was kind of hoping Supes would use a spirit bomb to beat him, but that's fine.
  11. Yeah, the irony is so thick you could choke on it. The guy truly lives in bizarro world. It's just sad to think how many people still eat this stuff up though.
  12. I'm so glad I wasn't drinking anything when I first saw it, cuz I would have totally spat all over the place whatever was in my mouth if I had. First thing that leapt to my mind was he totally looks like The Grinch. Apologies of course to The Grinch, but you can't deny there's a resemblance.
  13. And we're blasting off again!
  14. Law with yet another fakeout. Love it. Such a simple solution, too: earplugs. Trying to power himself up with by using his own ability on himself. That's just an act of desparation there.
  15. And of course, he's still saying nothing amazing happens there... even after all that bat shity craziness.
  16. I think Kohaku went to the Rukia Kikuchi school of art.
  17. So strong... and yet they're just putty in her hands.
  18. They're gonna snatch the weapon from the air? How do they keep it from being activated though?
  19. Goold ol' Gen. He knows just how to torture poor Kohaku.
  20. Different show. But yeah, he needs some help. At the very least he needs to learn that he doesn't have to shoulder the burden of the world all by himself.
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