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Everything posted by AlmostDone

  1. Not even a "at least you clean up after yourself"? Nothing?
  2. I'm going to go broader and say Guardians of the Galaxy.
  3. Inbred Buffoonary if you ask me.
  4. He's rich, he's fine.
  5. Which ones?
  6. Thank you Mr. Leary.
  7. AlmostDone


  8. I'm sorry I got you too horny ghostrek.
  9. A lot of those older games just have pretty crappy control schemes and rose-colored glasses makes us remember them being different. Have you tried Custer's Revenge? That holds up real well.
  10. The most fun I've had with a multiplayer game since rocket league first came out. The procedurally generated levels result in gameplay that never becomes boring to me.
  11. I repeatedly pronounce it Law and Order SUV. It makes it seem like the victim is spacious.
  12. Be prepared for calls from Gallup.
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