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Everything posted by pail

  1. pail

    i hurt

    You can get pregz even from the butt. Seen it happen myself.
  2. pail

    i hurt

    Idk maybe ur pregz. Should avoid the weed and booze else you're gonna get a FASface Downs baby.
  3. pail

    i hurt

    This why your unemploy.
  4. pail

    i hurt

    Get back to work, slacker.
  5. You know the people who make your anime you love so much prob eat cat on a regular basis right? I mean, it's better than being a Steven Universe fan imo but you gotta realize these things.
  6. Youre cat is Kevin Spaceie?
  7. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/why-smart-people-dont-multitask-dr-travis-bradberry?trk=mp-reader-card > rofl yall youre dummb af lmfoa
  8. The wind gonna kill us were all f*ed. https://www.yahoo.com/news/us-lists-bee-endangered-first-time-014639622.html
  9. Casshern Sins and Dragon Balls Super :420:
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZI4CL8F60rw
  11. pail

    True fax

    True fax tho. Tru fax. Piccolo. Is. This is true I looked it up. Piccolo is. Okay spoiler warning. Picollo, is...
  12. pail

    Peace dubs

    You kiss em twice yhen throw m in the sky Nd than you grab yo dik
  13. pail


    *wags finger*
  14. pail


    Wel I don't see you taking youre pants of.
  15. Omgah he his hand through the chest
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