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Everything posted by pail

  1. Way to be responsible Mr. Lamepants McBuzzkill.
  2. So devil weed and Yinglings. Got it.
  3. :brownbottle: :brownbottle: :brownbottle: :brownbottle: :brownbottle: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :420: :420: :420: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :brownbottle: :brownbottle: :brownbottle: :brownbottle: :brownbottle:
  4. How the character models in Death Note and Bible Black look really similar?
  5. You actually order stuffed crust pizza? Do you eat it backwards, too?
  6. Now go get your fuckin' shine box.
  7. Of course it is. Seagrams flagship product is shitty gin.
  8. Smothered burrito comes pre-sauced.
  9. You'd know a lot about properly wrapping things, you plastic bag-footed pauper.
  10. This is the lie poor people tell themselves so they don't feel like they are poor.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OP5EnaaYjQ
  12. Omg they're almost 45 degrees.
  13. Really? You never thought their eyes looked kinda off? Kinda sideways? Kinda, some might say... slanted?
  14. > > > > > > > > I bet they wouldn't be buttflustered if a group wanted to call themselves The White Devils! > > > > > > > > > > http://bigstory.ap.org/article/a93cff9f30b84e89918769eda11f58a3 "The Oregon-based band says the 70-year-old law violates free-speech rights. A federal appeals court had ruled that the law is unconstitutional, but the government appealed. A victory for the band would be welcome news for the Washington Redskins, embroiled in their own legal fight over the team's name. The trademark office canceled the football team's lucrative trademarks in 2014 after finding the word "Redskins" is disparaging to Native Americans. But the justices also seemed concerned that imposing absolutely no limits on trademark names might go too far. At issue is a law that prohibits registration of marks that "may disparage ... persons, living or dead, institutions, beliefs or national symbols." A trademark confers certain legal benefits, including the power to sue competitors that infringe upon the trademark. Slants founder Simon Tam says his goal was to reclaim a derisive slur and transform it into a badge of ethnic pride. But the trademark office said a term can be disparaging even when used in a positive light. A federal appeals court sided with the band, ruling that the law violates the First Amendment."
  15. Colitis is no laughing matter. It landed me in the hospital, too.
  16. I just took 50 milligrams of doxylamine succinate and I'm going to try and watch the first Indiana Jones movie just got done watching 3 and 4 (rewatches) never seen the first 2 though so feel like I should get around to watching them. Then maybe watching Hunger Games 3 Pt.1 & 2 after. But like not tonight another night. Been catching up on a lot of movies. At least the scraps I can find on Starz Encore On Demand. I've lost about 10 pounds mostly due to stress and illness but I don't see any way of really fixing that.
  17. Tru, tru.
  18. Nah not really. It's too slow and hard to type and can't watch porn at the same time.
  19. pail

    i hurt

    Not profession at all at all.
  20. pail

    i hurt

    Are you slut shaming?
  21. pail

    i hurt

    Go give birth to a butt baby you'll feel better.
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