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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by mochi

  1. during the Fishman Island arc I was straight up furious about how awful the gay characters were depicted so I had a lot to say about this show...........this Arc I have almost nothing to talk about tbh
  2. I recall it being established that Soma isn't actually even his son, and is adopted....I don't remember if they ever established if the mom he sometimes reffers to was his dad's wife, or if she's his birth mother he's talking about.....I could be remembering wrong
  3. should I be worried that they'll make Erina's former Yes woman straight too or is she still a Lesbian?
  4. villain: I'm secretly YOUR UNCLE! Me: then why did you get up in Soma's face and say something sexual to him two episodes ago?
  5. time to pretend this show isn't porn
  6. Nagant: why did you stay on the side of society instead of becoming a Metahuman neo nazi? Hawks: I had friends............also you're a HUGE bitch
  7. (Unrelated I can't believe it's only been one year since I left this place it felt like I was gone for like 4)
  8. human hair does have the tensile strength of copper wire but turning it into Bullets seems ill advised
  9. also Toonami aired my art and probably would have aired more of it if someone hadn't submitted stolen art so
  10. you laugh but people on pixiv and Newgrounds seem to enjoy my art just fine
  11. I see Free for all died while I was gone
  12. oh sure when Sony tries to aquire another company it's stopped by Monopoly laws, but when Disney absorbs 50% of all media companies that's a-ok
  13. ...........Toei owning Tenchi Muyo is gonna be weeeeeiiiiirrrrrd
  14. nono, the warning he gave me told me to never post anything ever again and that a state wide ban on erotic art is forthcoming
  15. also I dunno if you're in there under another name but I'll likely just be chatting in the ToonamiFaithful discord tonight cause I'm genuinely pissed about this
  16. apparently he took offense to the Deku pic I posted last week
  17. Apparently I can't share my art here anymore so that sucks
  18. a lot of show seem to be doing this thing where they drop trailers and refuse to show ANY evidence any sort of actual production has begun
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