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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by mochi

  1. Uh Oh, Cross Sympolism, the Evangelion's about to come out
  2. Borr reminds me of Yai from Megaman
  3. wait are people she erased being re-added? ah, no....she's just starting to regret killing people
  4. this isn't gonna be like that episode of SAO that Bluescreened twice is it?
  5. .....girl did you fucking SHATTER a Bottle of Ketchup over that Sandwich?!
  6. Oh God Gordon also fuck this show for acting like Gordon is the creepy one when Gauche....exists
  7. also assuming my interpertation of....whatever is going on with this Widow and her doctor IT'S CLOSETED LESBIANS SUFFERING NIGHT ON TOONAMI!
  8. to be fair this lady kinda seemed like she hated her husband and mother in law and was in Lesbians with that doctor so why is she fighting this hard?
  9. or that set of several episodes that were literally a movie...but then got spliced into episodes due to a copyright dispute that Shopro wasn't allowed to make canonical arcs into movies
  10. my that's good **BLAM** Me; PHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. ...................lllleeeesssbiaaaannns? O_o
  12. time for my former favorite until Gridman happened
  13. Again..... Shonen Manga: **introduces racist rapist homophobic pedophile villain** the hero: hey stop that **wins a battle** Said Racist Rapist homophobic pedophile: We're friends now (continues being a sicko but it's portrayed as comedic now) the Hero: welcome to the team! me:
  14. Me: I've had quite a few beers I feel like I should feel Drunker my brain: **makes me imagine me smooshing my face into Shinra's sweaty buttcrack** Me:
  15. this is the second anime I've seen Chocolate curry used in which....sounds horrible but it's always worth remembering Japanese curry is as much Curry as a white Hipster's idea of Kimchi is actually Kimchi
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