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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by mochi

  1. apparently it's the name of an Ashanti god like how Ogun is a Yoruba god
  2. I respect that they bothered to get his palms accurate too....that's super nice actually
  3. I do give this show credit for not only making the black character gorgeous....they even added the detail that his palms are pale....so they've done more research than any other anime when depicting black people
  4. it's not that they're portraying any Marleyans as decent....it's that they're portraying the Eldians as being genuinely dangerous and therefor the Marleyan's concerns as in some way justified
  5. this show is very contemporary I'm just still struggling with the fact that I can't tell if it's against or FOR racism
  6. that was *literally* the gist of last weeks episode and I hate it very much
  7. Trailer for the Promised neverland Speed run
  8. the show Owes us man ass for that little Tamaki stunt last week so here's some old Shinra art to supply it since I don't think the show gives us more manservice for a while
  9. some old DBZ art from a few months ago cause I ain't made new art
  10. I'm here was just uploading art to Newgrounds
  11. random side note Kishimoto's identical twin has his own Manga and in it he drew a scene of a guy who looks exactly like Naruto fucking a woman who looks exactly like Hinata...while getting his head cut off also he gave said naruto look-alike a HUGE ass
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