Fire force season 1: the girls are just there to jiggle, it's all about the guys
fire force season 2: okay we'll let the guys jiggle too.........actually.....the girls are pretty cool lets give them some backstory and let them win battles too
based on the first seasons ending the two himbo guys might be canonically gay too
one of the variants of the spice ending includes an image of them kissing
Hisako please move on, she scares me and she's disgusting but even Stank Pussy girl is a better option than chasing a straight girl who doesn't love you
Fire force doesn't do it with any regularity
it's Tamaki screaming as her panties dissapear magically 90% the time then once a season we get to see a guy's ass
and that didn't begin happening until season 2
season 1 was only Tamaki
this show: muscular old man moaning sexually while flexing and stroking his muscles
me:.........maybe Toonami licensed this to balance out all the giant bouncing titties in every other show
this is a weird thing to just bring up
Luci Christian would be a good replacement for the voice of Amy Rose in Sonic....since they just rotated out her voice again and are casting new actors