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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by mochi

  1. the elite chefs in this season seem less unforgivably evil than the previous seasons and more meerly cocky
  2. the fact that Erina's restauraunt is stil exclusive shows she's learned nothing unpopular take expensive gormet food is NOT superior to family owned restauraunt food...or frankly even FAST food it's just food made by chef's with celebrity like followings that they package in a glamorous looking way so they can overcharge for it, and so that billionaires who don't know what to do with their money will be the only people who can afford it hell half the time it's made with shit ingredients that aren't even expensive (edible gold leaf is actually only like 10 dollars)
  3. ..........the fact that Soma just didn't already use 5 spice powder in a chinese dish to begin with feels unealistically stupid of hin
  4. this show bothers me sometimes I'm not gonna lie and yes I realize how hypocritcal it is for me to say that when I've drawn characters being literally run through by cocks
  5. both are so on the nose about it that I don't think it's possible they didn't mean it directly like the god's chosen people comments in this series or quoting Hillary Clinton's racist super predator speech about Blacks in Zootopia
  6. again....the fact that the fear of the Eldians is on some level justified is poor writing like the Predators in Disney's Zootopia if your opressed minority stand in actually IS dangerous towards the race that fears them...you made a mistake
  7. the way Hanji said that sounded like the intro of livin in the sunlight lovin in the moonlight
  8. they seriously got Richard to voice a character with only like 2 lines
  9. my mom's health isn't doing well tonight so I may not be as summery as usual
  10. space dad was only made gay at the last minute after the creators spent seasons insisting there were never going to be gay characters in the show and then their original plan was for him to remain single forever until the feedback to killing his fiancee was so negative they issued a public apology and haphazardly slapped a wedding scene of him marrying a background character he spoke to once at the end of the final episode's credits
  11. we don't talk about that homophobic trainwreck
  12. Again I think that show is overdue for a modern less inept remake....'n also maybe get rid of the Soviet girl
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