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Order of the Owl
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Everything posted by mochi

  1. Commercial: RED BULL DRAGON FRUIT! me who's eaten Dragon fruit:........people need to stop acting like Dragon fruit is a thing, it tastes like if water was crunchy and had seeds...there's no flavor, no sweetness, nothing.....I don't know what the Dragonfruit red bull tastes like, but I can guarantee it doesn't taste like Dragonfruit....because Dragon fruit tastes like tap water >_>
  3. Champa: that means he's dead right me: I wish
  4. ah yes, Goku unlocking a new ability just because he needs it claiming he can't use it at will when Vegeta asks how to use it...then proceeding to access it at will every battle for the rest of this Arc
  5. the Shinra Service from the OP again as a separate post so people(who want to see it) don't miss it
  6. Food Wars! - the third plate ep 7 ep title: The Academy Falls - It begins Synopsis: with Alice and Hisako's help Erina escapes her home and goes to hide in Polar Star Dorm no need to make erotic art for this show it does that itself
  7. FIRE FORCE: SEASON 2 Episode 20, Ep title: Weapon of Destruction Synopsis: Companies 2 and 8 launch a joint multi level investigation into the Nether and end up in an altercation with the White clad also just because this is my thread, here's some Shinra Service ;3
  8. the Lyrics are extremely gay or at least this translation is
  9. Random Observation.....*real* Akane looks more like Rikka than she does virtual Akane and I wonder if that was a conscious choice meant to imply that Rikka is closer to the real Akane than Akane's idealized lavernder haired big boobed anime girl virtual version of herself
  10. reminds me of the Unused scene from rebuild of Eva where Asuka is ripped apart
  11. reminder that as of 2015 Neisen boxes are no longer considered by Cartoon network, they now base a show's success entirely off of Internet fandom engagement
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