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Everything posted by Poofy

  1. the horror folder is still in archive mode and theres hella halloween decorations up outside
  2. this might stop a certain method of attack on AI trading systems https://arxiv.org/pdf/2205.01094.pdf adversarial quote tweets are were a thing also a lot of stuff that broke and continues to break on twitter is bc creepy elon drove his plane to twitter's most critical data center, then, without preparation, unceremoniously unplugged and transported servers himself (illegally handling user's personal data) with his own fat little creepy elon fingers when his underlings said it couldn't be done fast enough to avoid paying $100 million in fees or some shit bc the datacenter company didn't want to continue doing business with creepy elon
  3. they raided the guy in utah the way they raided me. And she confessed on the spot apparently. I said I needed a lawyer. I guess the, uhh, block function isn't working? ... weird
  4. thats what they want to charge me with
  5. It's because we've been broke for awhile and, under modern monetary theory, the only consequence to being broke is social unrest. Prices are now getting close to where people are being like WTF, and so, they are finally trying to cut back via monetary policy/interest rates. But what if we have another unavoidable crisis or war that requires more spending? The money will come from further inflation of prices. We are tolerating $15 McD's combos but will we tolerate $30 Mcd's combos? How will that affect people's psychology and social unrest? Our enemies know this. They will take advantage of it, if they can.
  6. except you posted the inflation rate not the CPI. CPI is the prices. Inflation rate is the change in prices. They always talk about the rate because they want you to feel like bringing down the rate (disinflation) is bringing down prices (deflation), but it's not. They don't like to show the CPI charts because they're depressing because they increase perpetually because they like inflation because it's good for the economy because it makes you spend your money else it becomes worth less later. Worth less, not worthless, but nevermind that, let's take a look at CPI in multiple timescales for maximum depression.
  7. Just a buncha dorks
  8. That being unlikely doesn't make it any less weird. Highly unlikely for there to be any FBI agents here.
  9. not if the fed covers everyone and everything. Fixing this banking crisis undid almost all the progress they made reducing their balance sheet. They're now covering deposits beyond the $250,000 FDIC insurance at any failing bank they deem worthy. Where will that money come from? They say they're collaterized loans but they're really not. The point of raising rates is to make money matter again. We were supposed to see who was swimming naked. Then it happened and everyone was somehow surprised? They're working against their own progress. We don't have strong people in charge who can say no more free money, so the free money era isn't really going to end. Hopefully I'm wrong tho
  10. Poofy


  12. Also dumb af. In vietnam soldiers smoked weed bc it inebriated them less than alcohol. That tells me all i need to know. And i agree id rather be high af than halfway drunk if caught in a life or death scenario
  13. Shes hotter in snake form
  14. People have a hard time believing theyd ever team up
  15. Told u guys. Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran
  16. The game is called Companions of Xanth And everyone who didn't pick Amouranth lost. You're all dead af. If you picked any of the other 3, the game would last around 8 more minutes until you lose. Xanth was a special game. Literally trolling you even in the title "Companions" of Xanth. Theres really only one. This pisses off a lot of people back in the day. I say it taught you about the world. Choice is an illusion. You have no choice or control.
  17. thats like natural cloning and actually plausible, if unlikely. You're 2 for 2 tonight. I've only heard about the spiritual kind of reincarnation where you just magically zap into a new unrelated human or other animal
  18. ok youre running circles around me today... do you mean you have to be related to the new person to be reincarnated as them?
  19. i picked her when i was little. the others just seemed lame
  20. i uhh... made a grave error that im just now realizing. Thats not you thats just the menu guy. You start out as a mundane screen and then evolve into a person
  21. although I think I've said too much. It's sorta supposed to be ambiguous. Like obviously the satan slut girl is already on her knees. They want your mind to go there. Maybe you can bang her maybe you can't. I'm trying to make a point without doing spoilers. It's narrative focused. I'll leave it at that
  23. they're just your guide. You're not choosing a lover even tho theres a slutty satan girl
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