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Everything posted by EyeOfPain

  1. Kado: The Right Answer 8-10
  2. Fate/Grand Order, the Fate mobile game for iOS and Android, launched on Sunday night for North America. It's a free-to-play, and the combat is essentially a kind of extended rock-paper-scissors, with certain Classes of Servants doing more or less damage to certain other Classes. If you saw the Fate/Grand Order -First Order- OVA, that's basically the same thing as the tutorial scenario. I've only gotten through Fuyuki myself, but the game lets you worry more about strategy, and arranging your units to optimize damage, rather than tapping a screen in rhythm to a song like some of the other mobile anime games. Announcement trailer: Anyone else check this out yet? I've already gotten a few of the Servants from Fate/stay night, including 3 different Cu Chulainns, but my only 5* so far is Vlad III. FGO tips from veterans of the JP version of the game: https://qx20xx.tumblr.com/post/162324751346/pro-fgo-tips-for-scrubs My Friend Code: 009,436,912
  3. Eureka Seven 1 Kenka Bancho Otome 8-11 WorldEnd 6
  4. It is a struggle to have any sympathy for him or Hector.
  5. Outlaw Star 1-7 This show has never looked so good, but it looked way better in my memories.
  6. Caught up on Seven Mortal Sins 2-9 over the last two night. Also started rewatching Yu Yu Hakusho last night with episode 1.
  7. I felt so bad for Irene during those scenes.
  8. My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness Very honest, and very relatable.
  9. Everyone should post every anime episode they watched, in order, each time they post an update to this thread. I still haven't watched anything in a while. I guess the last things were: - Re:Creators 5-9 - Atom: The Beginning 1-3
  10. The show was just released on Blu-ray by Sentai Filmworks.
  11. Tonight's: - Silicon Valley - Last Week Tonight
  12. They take a while to get used to. I hated them at first too, but by the end of the game, I had cleared all but maybe one of them. It seemed to help when I stopped trying to dodge individual bullets, and started looking for patterns in how to avoid the bullet storms.
  13. Might want to upload that to Imgur, or somewhere else more permanent, and not blocked by a captcha.
  14. I'll probably be changing my main console to PS4 actually, since I know a few more people IRL who are there. I might remake my Warlock though, she kind of turned out like a female Joker on accident.
  15. I don't think I've seen anything about resource sharing between Destiny 2 and Battle.net games. Was there an announcement, or does WoW let you trade in in-game currency for real cash?
  16. GoSick pt.1, Grimgar pt.1 LE, The Big O and Sound of the Sky showed up today.
  17. This pyramid monk arc has been kinda lame TBH.
  18. You've got about 4 more "endings" to get before you really "beat" it.
  19. I never cared for the PvP either, but still got a lot of fun hours out of it otherwise. Based on what I've heard from people who were at the reveal event (from Twitter, podcasts, news articles), it sounds like Destiny 2 will still feel like a Destiny game. Since Bungie stated that private matches, which were added around Rise of Iron in Destiny, won't be available at launch, it does reinforce the statement that there will be a bigger focus on storytelling and the PvE experience for this iteration, rather than trying to pursue eSports or an emphasis on the PvP game.
  20. Oh man, Slippin' Jimmy might have just struck again. I don't like that we need to wait 2 weeks to see the fallout from that move, but it's sure to be good.
  21. I knew Adam Ruins Everything would be returning for a season 2, but looks like it got a longer run. ...that's about the only thing I watch on truTV.
  22. Latest Better Call Saul: we have to wait 2 weeks to see the fallout from that?!
  23. Hinako kicks everybody's butts, it's great.
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