Fate/Grand Order, the Fate mobile game for iOS and Android, launched on Sunday night for North America. It's a free-to-play, and the combat is essentially a kind of extended rock-paper-scissors, with certain Classes of Servants doing more or less damage to certain other Classes.
If you saw the Fate/Grand Order -First Order- OVA, that's basically the same thing as the tutorial scenario. I've only gotten through Fuyuki myself, but the game lets you worry more about strategy, and arranging your units to optimize damage, rather than tapping a screen in rhythm to a song like some of the other mobile anime games.
Announcement trailer:
Anyone else check this out yet? I've already gotten a few of the Servants from Fate/stay night, including 3 different Cu Chulainns, but my only 5* so far is Vlad III.
FGO tips from veterans of the JP version of the game: https://qx20xx.tumblr.com/post/162324751346/pro-fgo-tips-for-scrubs
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