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Everything posted by EyeOfPain

  1. I'm sure the DLC will also be available to purchase through Battle.net. Also, the first raid will be included with the base game.
  2. Gamers! 2 Aho Girl 3 Tsuredure Children 3 Knight's & Magic 4 Magical Circle Guru-Guru 1-2
  3. Herc is pretty good, too, and most of what I said should still apply.
  4. Placed a mostly manga order for Right Stuf's birthday as well that arrived yesterday: - Bakemonogatari pt.3 - Mysterious Girlfriend X o.1-6 - Nichijou v.8
  5. I watched a couple of new things last night, and nothing really grabbed my attention. - Chronos Ruler 1 - Gamers! 1 - Classroom of the Elite 1 - Nora, Princess, and Stray Cat 1 - The Irresponsible Galaxy Tylor 1 Actually, I pretty much dropped all of those.
  6. I think Vlad is still the only 5* Berserker available, and yeah, he's very good. Vlad has been in my starting line-up since I got him, but until you really level him up, it's important to manage his health to keep him on the field, since he takes something like double damage from pretty much every other class. Definitely start throwing whatever EXP cards you get into Vlad first to make the most of him.
  7. If you're getting an error code, they have articles to help troubleshoot some of those on Bungie.net: https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Index?search=beta
  8. That wasn't the case with with Destiny for Xbox or PlayStation, so I wouldn't expect content bought for one platform to be made available for another for free.
  9. Arrived yesterday: - Flying Witch v2 - Berserk v38
  10. Three Leaves, Three Colors BD/DVD arrived yesterday.
  11. Sin: Seven Mortal Sins 11
  12. Mash is good to level up, since she has 0 cost, and will be ascended and gain skills for free as you progress through the story, and there are probably other good reasons. 3-4* can still be good, especially if your level isn't high enough you can equip 5 decent Servants. I'm still using 3* Cu Lancer and Cu Caster at Master level 48, and they'll still save me from a losing battle at the last second. My current party is 3* Mash, 5* Vlad, 4* EMIYA, 3* Cu Caster and 3* Cu Lancer, and as I've gained levels, I've equipped rarer Craft Essences as I can make room. I even used a 2* Assassin for a while in the story, and he killed a boss dragon for me, so it depends on how you want to build your team. Once you can start doing the 40AP Daily Missions regularly, you can get 7-9 4* EXP cards per clear, so I'd say don't worry too much about running out. EDIT: Oh, who did you choose for your free 4*?
  13. Gilgamesh is showing up in the game tomorrow, along with a bunch of free stuff to help level. https://imgur.com/n9Aglhq
  14. I'll open some things as I get them, but I do not watch as much as I've bought, and it feels bad to neglect those poor discs.
  15. Mainly #FateGO since it launched, if that counts. If it doesn't, too bad.
  16. Altria's pretty good. Lily, being a freebie they give everyone who signs up before a certain time, doesn't have the best stats. Lily's max ATK/HP is 7726/10623 vs Altria's 11221/15150 (both are listed on the FGO wikia). I didn't notice at first, but for the Daily Quests, the top four guarantee EXP cards from each enemy, while the bottom four are just the basic currency, which you're probably not struggling for yet. Some Servants have linear growth for each level, and others have an S-curve, so they may gain a lot of stats early on and less later, or gain a small stat boost in the early levels but don't really grow until about halfway to the max level. You can also find that info on the Wikia. Marie has a pretty good Noble Phantasm that damages all enemies and heals you, and her growth is Reverse S so she should gain stats pretty quick early on. She shows up as a Guest Servant in the First Singularity after Fuyuki, so you can also test her out there. I sent you a friend request, and saw Altria pop up when I confirmed, so I think you're good there.
  17. I'm very disappointed that after all these time deliberately holding back the show, they weren't even able to put the whole thing up at once.
  18. Cool, which Saber, Arturia or Altera? I'm currently stuck at the end of Rome, so I've started trying to put more levels into my Servants through the Chaldea Gate Daily Quests. What's your Friend Code (Menu > Friends > Friends Search)? You might find my Berserker handy in some of those first few missions. This might also be a ploy to get more Friend Points.
  19. You may be disappointed for now: http://fategrandorder.wikia.com/wiki/Ishtar. Also, I've heard some people with Nexus 6P have the game crash their phone, but I don't know if that extends to other models. Added a link to a list of FGO tips that was put together by some people I follow on Twitter who are veteran players of the JP version.
  20. I made it past Orleans, and though I miss Jeanne d'Arc, Nero Claudius more than makes up for her absence.
  21. I wouldn't be surprised if that was the originally planned ending, and the editor went, "This is pretty popular, and that's too depressing for a shonen, so why don't you keep it going for a while longer?"
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