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Everything posted by EyeOfPain

  1. Watched the dub, and still laughed. Will still be watching with the Japanese audio though.
  2. I love Yona. Mitsuboshi Colors 3 Gintama: Silver Soul Arc 3 After the Rain 2 Kokkoku 3
  3. I think there've been some parts of the anime community (MAL, Reddit) that don't count shows like Spiritpact as "anime" because they're created primarily for a Chinese audience.
  4. I may get back to it eventually, like I said I've heard it was a decent show, but I think I have 16 current shows on my watchlist, so it'll probably be a while before I get to it.
  5. That makes sense. Japanese horror has always been very different from what we're used to seeing, and I think I'm still going in with too many western expectations.
  6. I think I've yet to see a main character in one of these Chinese co-pros that isn't a total douche. Some have had decent concepts, Hitorinoshita sounded interesting at first, but it was a tad annoying.
  7. That's what it was, I just didn't go into full detail. I also heard it got better after that initial scene, and turned into a watchable show, but I was never compelled to go back to it. I've also heard it doesn't handle the main character's decision about the successful female writer, and their relationship, very well, but that's hearsay from Twitter, so I should take it with a grain of salt.
  8. Killing Bites is definitely not high concept, still enjoyable though. I am always glad I don't share video accounts with other people, though.
  9. Koda and Miko were already mentioned in the thread though, even if not by name. But demons, puberty, and homosexuality are all very closely tied in Devilman, from what I can tell that's been the case since it first came out.
  10. You could get a really weird impression of Made in Abyss watching just that video.
  11. Sorry, I was making a joke about cons and hotel rooms. But that's cool that you got an opportunity like that, I hope it went well.
  12. Finished it the first day it was out (or that night) and loved it. I'd say Ryo is pretty clearly gay.
  13. Watched it all over the course of a couple days, and I didn't think it was as bad as everyone described it. And then I got to episode 9. I don't want them to suffer any more, but I want to see a second season.
  14. I think it was scanlated at some point, but Seven Seas released the whole volume last year, and will be putting out the author's follow-up book later this year.
  15. Yeah, they're all non-binary, but I think that comes up more with characters who are introduced later. Also, the SU comparison isn't very good. The only link between the two is both feature mineral based lifeforms.
  16. Fakku started charging when they went legit. I've picked up a couple anthologies from them and the quality is pretty good. They also made a deal/acquired Kitty Media a while back, and will eventually be adding their catalog as a streaming service.
  17. I didn't mind the second season of DtB, but it definitely wasn't as good as the first. I should rewatch DtB, but I should also rewatch a bunch of different things.
  18. It's been a good time to catch up on some shows I missed as they were airing, but sounds like some of the Strike stuff will be moving to HiDive eventually.
  19. Man, I never get invited back to places, I must be doing something wrong.
  20. The color could be exaggerated for animation, so a "real" Chise's hair may not be as strikingly red as it is in the show.
  21. Yeah, I'm not well-versed in his work, but that was closer to what I was expecting. I guess you could kind of see the first story as something being told from the point of view of the "monster" or force causing bad things to happen to people?
  22. I can't decide if I like the male or female version of the insert song from episode 2, both are great.
  23. It's not about gay men, but My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness was very good, and extremely relatable even if you're not a woman.
  24. I was not aware this was a thing, and thought this thread would be about the Concrete Revolutio character.
  25. Yeah, I wasn't able to get past that, even though it's apparently just a fantasy in the main character's head.
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