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Everything posted by EyeOfPain

  1. NieA_7 2-7 (on BD)
  2. Darling in the FranXX 5-7
  3. Mitsuboshi Colors 7 Black Panther
  4. Sweet Blue Flowers o1
  5. Samurai Flamenco 1-9
  6. Bloom Into You v1
  7. Flip Flappers 1-13
  8. Key the Metal Idol 4-15 It's now on Crunchyroll: http://www.crunchyroll.com/key-the-metal-idol
  9. Key the Metal Idol 1-3
  10. Uzumaki I got the newish hardcover, and am just reading a few chapters a day.
  11. UN-GO 1-11+00
  12. After Hours v1 Kase-san and Morning Glories
  13. Dennou Coil 10-13
  14. Kakegurui 8-12
  15. Mitsuboshi Colors 4-5
  16. Finally caught up on Brooklyn-99 last night, can't wait for the rest of season 5.
  17. Been catching up on the last couple seasons of Brooklyn 99 lately.
  18. Congrats!
  19. Teasing Master Takagi-san 3 A Place Further Than the Universe 4
  20. I'm not looking forward to Vic Mignogna inevitably singing the male version of Love Me from episode 2, because of course they're going to choose him for that. If they don't, I'll be surprised.
  21. Was Ai no Kusabi sci-fi?
  22. Pop Team Epic (dub) 1
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