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Everything posted by DBZ4ever

  1. August is probably my least liked month for many reasons.
  2. I still have that drawing you did of Gene. It was really well done.
  3. Very cool. Glad to see it coming back. I don't think the ratings will be huge especially at the time slot but it is an old show so you take what you can get.
  4. We should just turn this thread into a general One Piece discussion thread, stuff like what mochi posted. Spoiler talk would need the spoilers like elfie did though.
  5. I have one with a bunch of video game clips but I have almost no subscribers.
  6. Yeah I know nothing about this sort of thing. Just use some magic sparkles.
  7. This is good to hear.
  8. This is what worries me. I have bought most everything I really want but OP, if I continue buying those it worries me that the price will go up.
  9. Then truly I shall be terrible!
  10. Mine is a few days before.
  11. I don't hate winter but I don't love it by any means. I enjoy the Fall.
  12. Well for a few reasons. First they took a good thing and kind of gutted it. They really slowed down the PvP gameplay and because of that PvE is also a lot slower since you have very slow supers and two primary weapons with barely anything else. The game feels like Reach when you play it in terms of the slow down, movement changes, and even gun handling. Hard to explain unless you have played Destiny 1 and then 2 and also Reach from previous Halos. Even found a gun that looks and has the same look when fired as the dmr did. The PvP matches are essentially Halo now as well..It is 4v4 and with all your supers and abilities coming back so slow all you have is guns. However in terms of power weapons only one person per team can get it when the ammo comes up every 2 minutes or so just like in Halo. Some will indeed like this but this is not Destiny. That is in the game, outside I have seen a lot of people fussing about what they have done to the game and all the old things people argued about Reach have returned, deja vu for sure. I've seen multiple adapt arguments, and this is just a beta. A lot of arguing going on and it reminds me a lot of what Reach was like during that beta.
  13. When I was younger I liked the dressing up part, not that I wouldn't still dress up and did last year for a party but yeah it is the whole season for me as well. I celebrate it from October 1 until then end.
  14. Ha, nice!
  15. Is it you?
  16. Are you starting to get that feeling? Some of you may be asking what? Others know the feeling all too well. I'm talking about Halloween. We are three months out now, getting closer. This is the time of year where it starts to call to us that love that time of the year. Let's be honest the true lovers of Halloween feel that call all year long but it starts getting stronger in the summer and toward the end of summer you can feel it coming. Those of you on here that love Halloween know what I mean and I am sure you can feel it too. (and no I don't mean this because retail places put Halloween stuff out at this time of the year now. I just get this feeling around this time ever since I was a kid.) Also incoming naraku yelling kill me kill me a bunch of times because naraku....
  17. Nah. I knew one grandmother well and the other for a very short time when I was very young. Never met either grandfather, both were dead before I was born.
  18. I do too actually. Hopefully they never cause me any problems because with no insurance I don't think I can do much about it.
  19. Tried playing the beta, it won't let me. Kind of reaffirms that I should skip out on getting Destiny 2.
  20. Frieza hates the apes but probably both since it is Frieza.
  21. Someone should have just called Frieza to deal with them.
  22. Rating penis threads? Got it.
  23. I too would like to know the requirements so I know what to shoot for in the future.
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