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Everything posted by DBZ4ever

  1. Enjoyed last week's episode. Really liked the opening scene with the song they chose. Great stuff.
  2. Not that it really matters but you don't have to know your email, just your username and the password.
  3. I did see some people with higher post counts. I'm assuming it is from the posts in the chat but Naraku's post count confuses me since it should be 0. So beats me...
  4. I was surprised it worked. Guess they did keep our logins if nothing else.
  5. This is just something interesting and a bit unexpected. Not sure if it is known here but you can actually login on adult swim's site and chat on the Toonami stream section of the site. I logged in there with my old name and password and it worked. Was surprised for sure. They stream random shows there and really it is just surprising that you can login and chat there. Figured I'd let anyone know if they were interested for any reason.
  6. Oh just did some more checking. The chat seems to only apply to the Toonami stream you can watch at any time.
  7. If you go to their streaming stuff, there is a chat. I noticed a few people posting there and I clicked on someone's name. They had a bare bones profile. There was a login option so I thought...why not try logging in. I typed in my username and my old password. Surprisingly it worked. Wasn't expecting the password to still hold but it did.
  8. So there is really weird looking Rick and Morty right now...
  9. DBZ4ever


    Everything said in here is pretty much true. There is a still somewhat big and active group of old IBers that play on xbox daily. Most of them, myself included, do not frequent the new boards often. We do all play different things but if there was a central game it would be Overwatch. I just hit level 601 today and there are three people in the group that are significantly higher then me.
  10. Actually I believe they did last year for the first time when they aired the season 3 premiere of Rick and Morty from 8pm until midnight. This was a second prank since they did do another at midnight the night before. Only time they have done this.
  11. You have the superior icon and profile banner though.
  12. They already did last night for Toonami.
  13. That would be pretty cool considering they are doing it with FLCL. Probably just a dream though.
  14. He's part of those seven warriors but as far as that character is concerned he was a bit of a joke since we only saw him in the hot springs episode and he did nothing there. The other 3, yeah they did not get much build up before these episodes either.
  15. I'm sure I can find you through who I have. I'll just look for DBZ stuff. lol I'll do that the next time I'm on, which could be sometime between now and a few weeks because I tend to go for long periods forgetting about Facebook.
  16. Actually yes and no. Most of us now have jobs that require us to be up early and so late night team IB is pretty much gone. Having said that I am in a party of 6 currently. Through the week after 10 pm it is a ghost town.
  17. Not better pay, actually a bit less but a dollar less at 40 hours a week is more than more at 11 a week. Also yeah there are benefits.
  18. It is a full time position as the book processing assistant at the county library.
  19. You want me to tell him that you yelled his name? Although he actually changed it.
  20. You don't have an xbox though. Did I add you on Facebook?
  21. Maybe one day. Like I told Lupin I would like to get one, one day. I mainly chose xbox because of the games on it and most of the IBers I still talk to are on xbox. The only places I really still talk to people from the Boards are on xbox and Facebook.
  22. Most of the team stayed on xbox so I stuck with it. Plus I am into Halo and Gears. I do want to get a Playstation one day because I've always wanted to pay the God of War series, a few of the JRPGs on it and Bloodborne.
  23. I sadly don't have a Playstation console. I have an xbox one and a Switch.
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