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Everything posted by Ginguy

  1. I went to see what the last things I bought were, kind of an odd list. I got a set of sheets from Steinmart, 400 count cotton sheets, pretty soft actually. I got a pair of black enamel cufflinks from Men's wearhouse and ordered three shirts from Charles Tyrwhitt. I have a shirt addiction I think.
  2. Is that a chapter 69 bankruptcy? :fap:
  3. I like Cena, and I like him as a face, but he needs to have less exposure and move into a more "conscience" role, when guys heel turn in a really obnoxious manner then Cena shows up. Reigns needs acting lessons. He has potential but he needs coaching in being a badass. It is like creative wants him to be the new Austin, but he lacks the ability to emote effectively. Matt hardy still looks like a meth head.
  4. You'll have better luck in Rants Tic.
  5. Generally speaking the fans were awesome. Reigns should be a heel, the audience hates him and he needs time to work on Mic skills. Stroman and Lesnar should be the next thing, and Reigns can beef with Balor. Also, Matt Hardy looks like a meth head and Gallows and Anderson should go to SD to reform bullet club.
  6. I can see the two new sections. However I lost the power to post in any of the media bastards sections.
  7. It was better. Of course just about anything is better than space hippies.
  8. Blah, I wasn't a fan of either. Eureka7 Astral Ocean wasn't that bad though honestly.
  9. RPG all the way.
  10. I'm not a physicist, but I remember that experiment in high school where they put a marshmallow peep in a vacuum and it expands due to pressure difference. I think the seed cover would prevent that from happening, but once it popped it might expand much more than normal.
  11. I'm don't see why not. The water is contained in the kernel, in theory it would build pressure and burst.
  12. In theory it will, as the popping is the result of steam rapidly expanding and cooking the endosperm.
  13. Raw audience dropping F bombs and boo birds on Roman. I don't think creative was expecting this level of hate, but it would be a great heel turn for him to use. Generally was disappointed by mania save New Day antics and women, particularly SD.
  14. I picked mine to piss off people. Guess I'm a bad influence. >
  15. They serve restraining orders by text now?
  16. Ginguy

    new song

    I'm waiting for "The Night Begins to Shine" by BER >
  17. Didn't the video for this have some kind of space whale?
  18. Ginguy

    great convo

    I kind of want to post the official list of 30 some genders acknowledged by the City of New York, but I think I'd rather just > at DJ Buttah.
  19. I've said it about a billion times; I like posts which amuse me, contribute something generally positive or interesting, or mock Zeni when he is being a creep. (Note, if you mock Zeni and he isn't being a creep, no like.) Simple enough yeah?
  20. I try.
  21. You should make OP the new background music.
  22. I'll catch it on Yahoo View eventually.
  23. Zeni jr.? Someone be trallin' big time. >
  24. I have never been to, or even seen a Wawa, but I heard they have good subs.
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