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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. Mocha was having such a tough recovery, but it looks like she just made it! What a happy episode!!
  2. Who else is totally not missing Food Wars right now?
  3. Gotcha. I don't think they even serve my area.
  4. See, your dad is eating it!! Eat the soup, dragon-boy!!
  5. Yeah, we can trust Tashigi!! Don't refuse, Momonosuke!!
  6. We won't be lost in this haze much longer, so take heart!! We're in hot pursuit of a way out in just a few episodes! But enjoy it tonight for what it's worth. 2 AM, Only Toonami!!
  7. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/dr-stone-new-world/episode-4/.197584 Rating: 2.5 stars. A bit of a drop from the previous week. And we were off to such a good start!
  8. So in case you were wondering what the star ratings from ANN were from the first 3 episodes, here ya go: https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/dr-stone-new-world/episodes-1-3/.197331 Ratings: #36 (301) - 4.0; #37 (302) - 3.5; #38 (303) - 4.0 The New World arc was off to a good start, but unfortunately it couldn't keep it up...
  9. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/dr-stone-new-world/episode-5/.197859 Rating: 2.5 stars. If any episode had to be relegated to 1 AM, I'm glad it was this episode. The voyage of Science continues next week!!
  10. Oh, no wonder I didn't notice. I have Spectrum.
  11. WHOA!!! This was an important transition episode, but I see why it ended up airing at 1 AM. Not a bad choice for a single episode of a show that normally airs 30 minutes earlier!
  12. We will, S.A.R.A., in the 2nd half of the season, most likely!!
  13. Y'all enjoying yourselves in the off-season?
  14. How is this possible? Didn't his ass get turned to stone? Find out tonight at 1:30 AM as the "Set Sail Power Hour" Continues! ONLY TOONAMI!!
  15. Season 3, Episode 5: Science Vessel Perseus Set Sail!! Please note the special time of 1 AM ONLY TOONAMI...and Crunchyroll.
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