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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. You know, 21 years ago you couldn't call someone a "stupid idiot bastard" 'cuz you'd get b& for flaming if you tried! 🤣
  2. I'm guessing there will be marathons airing on the 23rd and 30th of December. What they plan to do with 1/6/24 is less clear, but I'm thinking Attack On Titan: Final Chapters Part 2 will air somehow that night, effectively making AOT's run on Toonami 2014-2024.
  3. It's a foregone conclusion that either December 23rd or 30th has to at least be an incoherent expansion just to get in all 7 episodes of Demon Slayer: Mugen Train in a marathon. Might as well keep it going on January 6th and beyond if it's the latter! Hell, maybe it will expand enough for all 11 episodes of the Entertainment District arc to air in an all-night marathon at some point, and since [as] is 13 hours now there would still be room for plenty of other shows on the lineup with a 6.25-hour marathon!
  4. It would be kinda neat if Toonami brought back the old look Toonami bumpers next year while this show was still airing! Next week: THE GHOST!
  5. Just like real racing, when you win, you PARTY! ...but...
  6. This new version looks great! Getting into the story, the threat of selling the team has everyone on edge!
  7. Wow, that was TOO easy! Oh, FORGOT about THIS plot strand!
  8. Is it weird that I just don't care much about Rick & Morty!?
  9. Holy crap, for a second there, I thought I was watching Bleach! 😁
  10. Only for the 2nd cliffhanger to often be an order of magnitude more EEEEVIL than the first! https://images.app.goo.gl/MvJ2AhsDtVkuAgz2A
  11. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/dr-stone-new-world/episode-14/.203914 Only 3.5 stars, a but of a drop from the previous episode, but excellent point ANN's observant reviewer makes--I don't think Moz knows Senku's team is capable of either! Probably never crossed his mind that he can DEPETRIFY people!
  12. Happy Birthday, Molly Searcy, VA of Akame! [Still the 25th in L.A.]
  13. But wasn't AMARYLLIS the one who actually DID the petrification!? What the hell could be up with that!?
  14. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/demon-slayer-kimetsu-no-yaiba-mugen-train-arc/episode-4/.179380 ANN rating: 3 stars. Hopefully the December episodes will pick it up a bit!
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