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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. Naruto's like "just crumble already, dammit!" 🤣
  2. I'll admit I haven't been as invested in this as Dr. Stone tonight, but watching now!
  3. Here at the beginning, we see how it ends! NO, not One Piece, not by a long shot! The Dressrosa Tournament Arc, or at least Luffy's heat of it! Will he qualify to be one of the last 4 standing in the final battle for Ace's Flame Flame fruit? Find out tonight (1/13/24) at 1:30 AM! ONLY TOONAMI!
  4. Find out how Senku somehow avoided his fate being written in stone tomorrow night (1/13/24) at 1 AM, ONLY TOONAMI!! Bonus: to get you ready for the new episode tonight, Toonami Faithful Podcast discusses Episodes 12-18 of New World (Season 3)...
  5. Depending on how strong the relationship between Toonami and Aniplex is, we just MIGHT see the return of Gurren Lagann to the block, this time as the movies. Perhaps Childhood's End December 28, 2024 and All The Lights In The Sky Are Stars January 4, 2025? Would be an interesting nod to the manner in which they aired the series 10 years ago! Of course, if they can get it for cheap, a 5th Cable run of the series might not be out of the question either? Especially with the movies hitting theaters on January 17th and January 24th, respectively...
  6. Happy New Year!! It's been awhile, but we FINALLY have numbers for the first Toonami of 2024: https://www.spoilertv.com/2024/01/tv-ratings-for-saturday-6th-january-2024.html?m=1 The dub premiere of AOT, a true rarity on Toonami these days, managed only 167K and 0.08 in 18-49, checking in at #35 on Saturday, January 6th. And Shippuden didn't even crack the Top 50. Hopefully Demon Slayer does better.
  7. Well, it WAS Bullshit in Death Note. It was a fake rule which was used to protect ITS villain protagonist. As I see it, the existence of Titans in the world of AOT was a curse Ymir fell under when she could not stand up to King Fritz. But Eren figured out he would have to sacrifice himself as the new Fritz in order for Mikasa to be the new Ymir, who could break the curse. He was the rarest type of protagonist, the "messianic villain".
  8. It's quite possible, since the Founder was female, that Titan HAS to be manifested by a woman, when the other 8 can be manifested by men. But perhaps if the "Female" Titan WERE manifested by a man, it would just be known as the "Agile Titan?" It would certainly be interesting if they expanded on the lore of what would happen if the bearer of the Female Titan WERE eaten by a male Titan. Perhaps the male wouldn't become a Titan shifter and instead the power would be randomly bestowed on a Female shifter at birth? But then I suppose that girl theoretically would only have 13 years to live? I wonder why Titan Shifters were limited to only 13 years of life after escaping from the supposedly immortal Pure Titan form? Is it because ancient Ymir lived only 13 years after turning into a Titan herself?
  9. For this final stretch of episodes, I plan on delivering ANN grades at some point after the episode airs before the next week's airs without fail. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/naruto-shippuden/episode-471/.105289 Grade: C-. I agree...
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