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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. Now I get why she's so reviled--she's like this world's Hunter Biden!! 🤣
  2. You should try Taco Bell's Aardvark fries!!
  3. She doesn't care as long as her vagina doesn't stink! 🤣
  4. That sounds like a setup for Season 2 if I ever heard one!! Bring it on!!
  5. The White House AND the Pentagon? But oddly enough, not the Supreme Court Chambers... 🤣
  6. RV OF THE DEAD!? 12:30 tonight (5/4), only TOONAMI!!
  7. It all goes down tonight (5/4) at Midnight. More? There's more!! Witness the epic final battle tonight!! Only Toonami!!
  8. Part 4: The Ketsurygan Dammit, would it have hurt you to translate that just a LITTLE, Viz!?
  9. I'll allow it!! But I HAVE to do this... 666, the Number of the Beast! Gives new meaning to "Devil Fruit," eh!?
  10. While we're all gearing up for the grand finale, don't forget coldrain also did THIS banger, and it's super-appropriate for today: Here's the version y'all know better...
  11. Welp, let's check in and see what the goobers overs at ANN thought about THIS one: https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/ninja-kamui/episode-12/.210318 3 stars. MID to them, I guess.
  12. Alright, let's do this... It will be interesting to see how the season finale does next week, and how we'll be speculating Toonami can eke another season out of this...
  13. Season 2 was probably gonna be the final season of My Adventures With Superman, anyway. It will certainly be interesting to see what they do with the rest of the lineup from there. I'm thinking Zom 100 at 1:00 AM is a no-brainer (no pun intended), but after that, then what? Double One Piece at 1:30 would certainly be intriguing, but do we still have 3 AM? DBZ Kai could slide down there, but I don't think they can do double OP forever. More likely than not, a different rerun subs in at 3 AM: Demon Slayer: Entertainment District perhaps? Or maybe take one more ride on the Mugen Train to finish off the night? But I'm getting ahead of myself, ain't I? More likely scenario is they'll keep the Zom hiatus going so they can bring it back at 12:30 the following week and just play AOTFCP2 again...
  14. Well, this just got interesting! Guess we'll find out what happens next next week, but after that, who knows!? As for the rating... https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/naruto-shippuden/episode-486/.109970 Give it a B+. That's all the Toonami I'm gonna watch for tonight, more likely than not! LATER!!
  15. Apparently so! Maybe the blonde guy escapes to ninja another day? Looks like they're angling for a Season 2...
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