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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. Unfortunate but probably should have been expected. Here’s hoping Toonami gets to air it someday, though if MHAS7 is any indication if it's coming in August, the going time gap between these shows might be 4 months, and if so, a November premiere after Swordsmith Village arc still sounds probable. Of course, Toonami could also start off airing the first 7-8 episodes of Swordsmith in August and September, take a break for something spookier in October, and air the final 4 episodes in November, putting Hashira Training off to 2025.
  2. https://sites.google.com/site/swimpediaiscoming/adult-swim-schedules/2024 Demon Slayer double-header on July 6th at 3 AM confirmed, so now Toonami officially has expanded to at least 3:45 AM for the entire month of July. What I wish they would do with the season finale of Demon Slayer is premiere a super-long-form (like 2 minutes) promo of the Swordsmith Village Arc IF it is coming to Toonami on August 3rd, after the first ad break, followed by a long-form music video (think Iron Maiden's "Writing On The Wall" from 2021) before the 2nd ad break, then the rest of the show. But we all know they most likely won't, and thats still a BIG "IF" regarding SVA at this point. If they merely have Demon Slayer: Entertainment District Arc for a 6-month deal and are buying it a la carte on 7/20 just to finish off the run, that's disappointing, but I'm not giving up hope something bigger is on the horizon.
  3. Interestingly enough, "ukemi" was translated, but some other choice Japanese phrases remained!
  4. Well, I was right about the OP being cut short tonight, when the episode premieres got moved down to 12:30 with the premiere of Ninja Kamui! Watch it there, Tanjiro, you were still hurt!
  5. First appearance of Dilly too. Had forgotten about that! Up next: Episode 5...
  6. That was Episode 4, and the first tike we see Jason Cardenas.
  7. Great episode I had mostly forgotten about! The theme was "if at first you don't succeed..." for both cutting off Vegeta's tail to end his transformation and the Spirit Bomb!
  8. It's Episode 4 of the Shikamaru Saga! 1:30 AM tonight, ONLY TOONAMI!
  9. Don't go gentle into that good night... ...rage, rage against the dying of the light! 1 AM Tonight, only TOONAMI!!
  10. The end of last week's Superman provided one huge answer, but it raised many more questions. Supes confronts his cryptic Kryptonian captor tonight at Midnight. Only Toonami!!
  11. I didn't think it went THAT hard, but you MAY be right. Too hot for 5 PM.
  12. Last week’s got a B: https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/naruto-shippuden/episode-491/.111515
  13. Japan: "1000 Years of DEATH!!" America: https://youtu.be/fynWOio9jBo?si=a34tj8wSRH9smcDb
  14. The July lineups have now been revealed, so time to bump this to predict the last 5 months of 2024... August 3 - ExpansIon to 11:30 with Rick & Morty: The Anime (R&MTA), Naruto Shippuden ×4 send-off, Suicide Squad Isekai (Sub), Superman, DBZ Kai, Ninja Kamui August 9 - G Gundam replaces a DBZ Kai on Toonami Rewind at 6 PM August 10, 17, 24, 31 - R&MTA, Demon Slayer: Swordsmith Arc, MHA S7 Prelude (except 8/10), Gundam: Witch From Mercury, One Piece, Suicide Squad Isekai (Sub), Supes, DBZ Kai, Ninja Kamui September 7, 14, 21, & 28: R&MTA, Demon Slayer: Swordsmith Arc (Except 9/28, which gets R&MTA×2), MHA S7, Gundam: Witch From Mercury, One Piece, Suicide Squad Isekai (Sub), Supes, DBZ Kai (Except 9/28), Zom 100 October 5, 12, 19, & 26: Uzumaki (Dub), Demon Slayer: Swordsmith Arc, MHA S7 (except 10/26), Gundam: Witch From Mercury, One Piece, Uzumaki (Sub), Housing Complex C, Zom 100×2 October 25: Rewind gets Spooky with Housing Complex C×4 October 31: Uzumaki Takeover [as] 12-2 Dub, 2-4 Sub November 2nd: Day Of The Dead Demon Slayer Swordsmith Marathon (11:30-5, using the bonus 2 AM hour) November 9: Demon Slayer: Hashira Training Arc Dub Premiere (11:30-12:30), MHA S7, Gundam: Witch From Mercury, One Piece, R&MTA (Sub), SSI (Sub), DBZ Kai, Dr. Stone New World 19 November 16, 23, & 30: Demon Slayer: Hashira Training Arc Dub Premiere, Bleach TYBW, MHA S7, Gundam: Witch From Mercury, One Piece, R&MTA (Sub), SSI (Sub), DBZ Kai, Dr. Stone New World 20-22 (one each week) December 7 & 14 (Toonami Expands to 11 PM): Creature Commandos, Demon Slayer: Hashira Training Arc Dub Premiere, Bleach TYBW, Dr. Stone Final Season, MHA S7, Gundam: Witch From Mercury, One Piece, R&MTA (Sub), SSI (Sub), DBZ Kai December 21: Demon Slayer Hashira Training Arc 1-6 (11 PM-2:30 AM), R&MTA (Sub), SSI (Sub), DBZ Kai December 28: 11 AM-4 PM marathon of either R&MTA, MHA S7, or G-Witch Continuing series in 2025: Creature Commandos (until February) Demon Slayer Hashira Training Arc (until January-February) Bleach TYBW (end unknown) Dr. Stone Final Season (May-ish) MHA S7 (until February) G-Witch (until February 8) One Piece (long-runner) R&MTA & SSI (Sub, until January 18) DBZ Kai (long-runner) Well, there's my prediction!
  15. Those slots aren't "empty," just unknown. Hopefully if speeding thru Demon Slayer is any indication, Swordsmith Arc is right around the corner, followed by 🤞 dub premieres of Hashira Training for Toonami (Next day on HuluMax) 🤘?? The last time they did this with a show that had more episodes remaining, it was Made In Abyss. You could argue it also happened with MHA S6 reruns, but there wasn't an S7 yet, so that doesn't count.
  16. Damn, no one else here finds beauty in negative spaces? But I guess I AM the eternal optimist!
  17. November 11th, 2023 and January 13th, 2024, in recent memory. R&M anime most likely expands Toonami to 11:30. The original show airs then now!
  18. Meanwhile, funny how this episode sells Tien and Yamcha's training as extreme, only to have them PUNKED by the Saiyans later on!
  19. Episodes 7 and 8 Goku can't spank King Kai's monkey! 🤣
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