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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. Unfortunately, that momentum couldn't be sustained: https://showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-saturday-11-12-2022-top-150-cable-originals-broadcast-delayed.html "Adult Swim’s late-night programming (to the extent we have it) included YASHAMINE down 0.08 to 0.05, MADE IN ABYSS down 0.05 to 0.08, ONE PIECE down 0.07 to 0.05, and NARUTO down 0.04 to 0.05. " YEOWCH!! College Football and Midterm Election coverage, as well as the Food Network of all things, apparently combined forces to shut Toonami out of the Top 50, but at least Made In Abyss did pretty decent. But after that, the bottom fell out worse than Moroha's odds of beating Kirinmaru... I don't think MHA will make the Top 200 Reruns this week, but depending on how far MIA fell afterward, it MIGHT. Stranger things have happened!
  2. If you wanted to know how Toonami did last week, you're just gonna have to wait a while: https://showbuzzdaily.com/articles/saturday-11-12-sunday-11-13-ratings-delayed.html In the meantime, we do have this... https://www.spoilertv.com/2022/11/top-200-cable-reruns-week-ending-6th.html My Hero Academia checked in at #69 in Cable Reruns for the week of 10/31-11/6 with 270K total viewers and a 0.143 in Adults 18-49. Not too shabby!!
  3. If Season 6 of MHA actually shows up, #1 can't be the case. #2 and/or #3 could still hold true though.
  4. Sorry man, but it's just you. Both seasons Riko VA is Brittany Lauda. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=24357 An interesting twist is that the final episode of MiA Season 2 is an hour long, and since S2 has 12 episodes, it's 10 episodes away. Yashahime ALSO has 10 episodes left, so it will be interesting to see how they handle this. Perhaps airing Dawn of Deep Soul on November 5th WAS part of the plan, but they couldn't get the rights and had to just go ahead and air S2, episode 1 instead? But then why put it ahead of Yashahime? Either way, it looks like sometime in February, they'll put Yashahime's finale at 1:30, skipping One Piece for the night. Or maybe we just have to wait 2 weeks after the Penultimate Episode for the Season Finale of Yashahime? Ain't like that hasn't happened before.
  5. I actually watched this episode twice, once on my smartphone while at a party and again when I got home with the West Coast, and I have to say it was one of the better episodes of YashaHime so far. It's almost a shame that it doesn't get topical promos anymore now that it's been relegated to 1 AM. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/yashahime-princess-half-demon-the-second-act/episode-14/.181343 ★★★☆☆--I'd have given it at least 3-1/2, maybe 4. As good as Yashahime gets!
  6. And THIS also happened this weekend on the Empire State Building!
  7. I wanted to, believe me. Especially to put on that viking episode of PRIMAL at the tail end! But I figured I should ask the host and people might actually be gawking at whatever random crap they had on their Roku and going "huh!?"
  8. I'm at a party right now, so I won't be able to comment much, but I MIGHT actually TRY to catch some of it...
  9. Yashahime: Princess Half-Demon The Second Act (Season 2), Episode 14: Kirinmaru Of The Dawn!! Sorry, Bondrewd, you ain't got NOTHING on Kirinmaru!! 1 AM tonight, ONLY TOONAMI!!
  10. Finally watching the movie now... Bondrewd is such a TROLL!! Now I know the new characters introduced in the first episode! We go beyond the point of no return tomorrow at 12:30 AM!! Only TOONAMI!!
  11. Hey, not a bad showing from Toonami to kick off November: https://showbuzzdaily.com/articles/showbuzzdailys-saturday-11-5-2022-top-150-cable-originals-network-finals.html All 4 qualified Toonami shows made it, with Yashahime at #27 semi-surprisingly just edging out the Season 2 premiere of Made In Abyss (#28), though MIA did manage to beat it in a few key demos. One Piece at #33 and Shippuden at #37 rounded out the rest of Toonami's premieres, all in the Top 40 for the first time in a good long while! 😁
  12. Somehow this seems like one of those "don't you think we should have asked if we SHOULD before we set out to prove we COULD!?" things!?
  13. Probably in the days before it was burned with Kikyo's body, I guess? https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/review/yashahime-princess-half-demon-the-second-act/episodes-12-13/.180992 Rating: 2.5 ★ for Episodes 12 & 13. About as much stuff happens in this episode as one of the early two of InuYasha: The Final Act. And oddly enough, it looks like we only get 2 more reviews.
  14. This episode was BRUTAL!! Glad [as] ended up showing it twice!
  15. Yes, indeed! Man, there were some sucky dads, between Shigarashi, that dad who discovered the Abyss, and Kirinmaru!!
  16. Join the Feudal madness at a new time! 1 AM, starting tonight (11/5-6/22) ONLY TOONAMI!!
  17. Apparently, we can't have nice things. That's why we can't have Season 6... ...at least, not yet. So first, let's rewatch the last few episodes of Season 5... ...and REALLY pay attention this time!! Midnight tomorrow night (11/5-6/22) ONLY TOONAMI!!
  18. Couldn't manage to stay up all night. That happens to me more often than not when I hit the sauce hard, even when I pace myself.
  19. Welp, I've been watching along, and I must say I'm slightly disappointed they're not using the Halloween skin from the Forge era for T.O.M., but then again, I guess they're not at the Forge anymore...
  20. Tomorrow isn't promised... So enjoy 4 episodes of The Promised Neverland tonight (10/29-30/22)!! 2 AM-4 AM, ONLY TOONAMI!!
  21. The world's pretty much going to hell right now... ...so tomorrow night (10/29-30) at Midnight get your C on and party like it's 2000! YAY ESCAPISM! ONLY TOONAMI!!
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