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Helper Elf
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Everything posted by OwlChemist81

  1. Despite this, this episode didn't exactly get "rave" reviews! https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/preview-guide/2022/fall/my-hero-academia-season-6/.189962
  2. Something tells me unless One Piece gets doubled-up again, this Caesar Clown has no good reason to fear the Ides of March!
  3. You know you missed 'em! Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha are back for more feudal madness!! Wait, is Moroha a "princess!?" Find out at 1 AM tonight (12/3-4/22)! Only Toonami!!
  4. Back into the Abyss we go!! Who is this mysterious "friend" from Reg's past? Find out tonight (12/3-4/22) at 12:30, ONLY TOONAMI!! [thanx junior]
  5. The Paranormal Liberation Front is ON THE MOVE!! GO BEYOND SEASON 5, PLUS ULTRA!! MIDNIGHT TONIGHT (12/3/22), ONLY TOONAMI!! [merry xmas]
  6. You may actually be right. Not sure if this promo actually appeared on [as] first or not... Can someone confirm it debuted on air?
  7. We have a promo!! I'm willing to bet MHA Season 6 gets topicals, too! I wonder if MiA Season 2 will get to keep them...?
  8. But of course it also means Dr. Stone, Fire Force, Black Clover, and even Dragon Ball Super have a chance...right???
  9. Hopefully we'll see a promo for it debut on [as] sometime this week. Maybe during reruns of The Boondocks? Shame we couldn't get it during that half-assed Season 5 marathon this past weekend, but sometimes that's just how it goes.
  10. You're half-right. They do show announcements on Facebook, but promos almost always air on Toonami or at least on [as] first.
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