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Fantasy Football Champion
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Everything posted by Gemini

  1. Uh oh! Mahomes is going into the locker room. Which means...Chad Henne will take over until Mahomes comes back out. That is, if he comes back out. We shall see.
  2. I'd love to see them pull the upset, but I think KC still wins.
  3. And that's definitely a fair assessment of every game. See, it's fun with every single game in a particular playoff round can go either way. That's another reason why I love football so much.
  4. I would LOOOOVE for the Giants to win, but I think the Eagles are just too good as well. That said, I'd love to be proven wrong.
  5. I mean if I HAD to pick I'd probably go with SF, KC, PHI, and BUF. Jacksonville does have a chance to pull the upset, but I just don't see it happening. As for the other three, I think they're just too good, even the Niners with their rookie QB.
  6. I'm gonna be 41 at the end of May. My mom, a widow, is probably the most important person in the world right now. I'm not going to disparage Baby Boomers. Not right now, at least.
  7. I'm the same age because my birthday is at the end of May. Also, They Might Be Giants has a song about getting older. My joints are starting to hurt. Super. ;_;
  8. And the sad thing is a lot of us would still probably watch. (Myself included, because "footbawl!" and stuff.)
  9. Best served with blue cheese, which is what I imagine ass tastes like. (I've tried to like blue cheese, but I couldn't do it.)
  10. So in your opinion, it's more on par with Sprite and 7up?
  11. Yes, it certainly was, naraku. I literally poured what I didn't drink down the kitchen sink when I got home. (I drank a little bit on the way back to the house and was completely disappointed.)
  12. If it's the "starlight flavored" Coke, we've already established that it tasted like cotton candy. (If it's not, I apologize.)
  13. Fair. Thanks for bringing that back to our attention.
  14. I don't know. I mean it could just be stilgar being stilgar. lol (But yes, I really did burn my tongue last night so don't take my word for it.) Sorce: I think you know what we need to do: Ask scoob! (That actually gives me a great idea for a thread; I just want scoob to make it since we'd be asking him stuff. lol)
  15. Maybe. I mean I did burn my tongue drinking some hot tea last night before bed.
  16. No. 😅 But that's okay. The last WWE game I played was Smackdown Vs. Raw 2010, and the career mode was crappy as hell. What made up for it was the ability to create all sorts of wrestlers and watch them beat the crap out of each other. That part was fun as hell.
  17. i started playing South Park: The Stick of Truth when I got my PS4. I've been stuck at the part where Randy is teaching you how to use this squeaky fart thing that you can move until it's behind your opponent...or something. Will play again this weekend.
  18. No. No, it's not. But I still have some decent hopes for it. I'm gonna play it tonight after I eat dinner.
  19. See, I consider Mountain Dew to be separate from other traditional lemon/lime sodas. Yes, it as well as Mello Yello are citrus-flavored sodas, but they have a hell of a lot of caffeine, usually just above 90 milligrams per suggested serving size if it's a 20-ounce bottle. (That said, I can still see where you're coming from.)
  20. Well, I got a bottle of it. It doesn't taste any different from Sierra Mist. But I guess the marketing ploy worked? Oh, well. (Also, if you prefer either Sprite or 7up like I do, stick with those.)
  21. I should've made my comeback this season. Oh, well. Next season...count me in!
  22. You're a braver man than I, sir. Godspeed.
  23. Sorry to spam the thread, but I just had to post this. (This is not indicative of who I am, for the record. lol)
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