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Everything posted by avec

  1. Ah Mugen 😍
  2. Wow the white bro level escalated quickly these last 2 days huh?
  3. If the coffee is bad, making it strong still wont help 🤣
  4. SKET Dance 22
  5. It really bothers me when offices have shit coffee or the alternative that whoever is the person who's been working there 25 years waters the coffee down so fucking much that it is rank water.
  6. idk why the Trigun guitar riff before and after commercial breaks came to mind
  7. @ITasteLikeSex for making me laugh a fucking lot on the boards with your responses.
  8. thanks yall! ❤️
  9. ty for dat tag
  10. Wtf kind of context 😂🤣🤣😂🤣
  11. Expected but not disappointed 😂
  12. I drink 1 cup of coffee a day. It is literally the only thing that gets me out of bed some days.
  13. This is so sweet to read! Yes, so happy for you!!
  15. I think they post the stories with the results so everyone can read them.
  16. avec


    🤣🤣😂🤣🤣😂 Okay, so I should explain this better. When I say Id like someone to airhorn me everyday, I mean with their mouth. Wow, okay one more time. 🤣 People make the airhorn noise with their mouth, not using an actual airhorn. You know, the DJ airhorn noise.
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