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Everything posted by Phillies

  1. I know it sucks! I had to pay taxes on my 40 dollar weekly allowance. So I ended up getting back about... only 8 dollars last year : (
  2. :420: :420: :420: :420: :420: :420: :420: :420: :420: :420: :420: :420: :420: :420:
  3. You know my motto... 3-D is too D. O0 :420:
  4. :420: :420: :420: :420: :420: :420: :420: :420: :420: :420: wink
  5. You people have issues.
  6. Phillies


    There is probably so much hentai/low budget preggy/beastiality/animality pr0n on that computer, the server is slower then my grandpa on viagra attempting to get an erection.
  7. Phillies


    which ever mod owns this server, has slow computer. need to pour red bull on hard drive.
  8. Phillies


    because you touch yourself
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