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Everything posted by Phillies

  1. That show had a great sound track. battle cry and ending song shiko no futa
  2. what do you mean mildly? it was a hit.
  3. **smacks you in the face with my cock**
  4. Aya Hirano... give you boys something to fap too... less you like cocks or balloons then this does not apply >.>
  5. I'm going to bed. Try not to break any balloons.
  6. I only get 40 bucks per week and it gets spent
  7. another failed packard thread
  8. how about I owe you in like 10-20 years.
  9. like your mom
  10. I don't fuck with that balloon shit. Do you need to lube the balloon first?
  11. time to show the futa free of charge
  12. now what the fuck am I gonna do!!!
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