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Everything posted by Ric

  1. https://comicbook.com/anime/news/space-ghost-voice-actor-george-lowe-dies-67/
  2. I guess this topic is about eating spaghetti alone or something
  3. I already acquired the game so I'll go in blind XD And for another unpopular opinion, Super Mario Bros 2 is more fun than 3
  4. I'll have to check it out. I see Sting developed it, I know them for RPGs so will be interesting to see how it is.
  5. I was thinking of games I like so Nosferatu and Prince of Persia never would have crossed my mind. XD I still need to beat Plok! Never played the Jetsons game, is it any good?
  6. Also to add Castlevania: Rondo of Blood isn't near as hard as people make it out to be either
  7. Yes. Hagane, Contra III, and Zombies Ate My Neighbors immediately come to mind
  8. Good luck, did you start yet? Myself, I'm working on my autobiography. It could use some spicing up though, I think I might kill a few characters off.
  9. Lords of Waterdeep Here to Slay Splendor
  10. Me appearing out of no where for a few posts every few months is my normal activity here now. I only know about Zeni because I see his posts on Twitter(fuck you nazi, it will always be Twitter) every now and then.
  11. The Jackie Chan game on NES is sweet
  12. Oh yeah I forgot I posted these here. New series, I think the Omori ones came out pretty okay, particularly the first one.
  13. He's a professional gambler and self made millionaire now. I think that's still the current arc.
  14. @Dusty Shackleford
  15. I'll miss him in the next Final Destination, which is I think is happening. RIP
  16. I'm real af, bruh
  17. No, but do you think Goku and Vegeta have ever finished each other?
  18. Legend of the Galactic Heroes Star Blazers 2199 Those are a bit on the more known side so you may have seen them already. The Irresponsible Captain Tylor if you're good with some comedy thrown Toward the Terra if you can acquire it somewhere, it's not on legal streaming services or in print
  19. Ah I'm late to my birthday thread, thanks everyone!
  20. I'm glad you're okay but you spoiled the ending in the thread title, lots of people won't click this now.
  21. Chinatown Wars was the best GTA for PSP
  22. Happy birth
  23. Who the fuck is Dusty Shack....oh it's Kudasai. Ready for more Excitebike tomorrow
  24. It's not just you.
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