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Everything posted by Ultima

  1. This was the jam back in the day.
  2. I'm gonna look to see if Pong has any world championships. I love that game.
  3. I think was Sonic the Hedgehog, but it could have been Altered Beast. That was just so so long ago, I'm trying to remember which one I popped in first, I'm so sure it was Sonic, but now I'm doubting myself, just like a legal age teenage woman pulls back from a kiss on that first date and then she kisses you. 😓
  4. I was just watching a YouTube video of last year's world championship and I definitely wanna get in on that. Plus, it will help me get hot girls if I win because Monopoly is well respected, just like Chess.
  5. Ultima


    Oh... You are that Vipersipper guy after all. I hear it's like 2 inches and curved
  6. commercial from Optimum about Altice when the parrot says "Alexa, play Pump up the Jam!". I see that on Boomerang all the time. I like the variation with the Dog DJ better haha. That man is jamming when he puts those headphones on. 🐕
  7. I know about China, but what you posted is deep.
  8. I'll write a fanfic for that pugilist and that integrity knight. They need to procreate.
  9. I hated that they made Snarf not talk in the 2011 series. He was the funniest character in the original, but I see why they did it because that show didn't want any comic relief.
  10. I liked Snarf, Lion-O, and Mummra. Everybody else was just ok. And Thundercats Roar is garbage and makes me black out and go into an uncontrollable rage. What's up with all that non-heterosexual chubby face, googly eyes, talking like 5 year old girls stuff that's been happening in cartoons now? That's not manly, it's infuriating
  11. Is Trump that much of an idiot? All that bastard needed to do was shut down all travel to and from the United States. So many people here and across the internet knew it was gonna be a pandemic from Day 1 when China was underreporting the number of cases and deaths of the outbreak. Smh... I wanna throw Trump and these other politicians through a wall like a good old time action movie
  12. Probably not actually Mr. Kingdom Hearts, Sailor Moon, and Barbie fan.. I'll ask my friend tomorrow if he's still in good shape at his job. I suspect he is, considering he's a manly man who intimidates everyone.
  13. Those games were made for 5 year olds you know. No offense, I'm just saying that Squaresoft made them for little kids who go to Disney World.
  14. I didn't want to buy a copy when it came out and I wouldn't buy a copy now. I was on my Devil May Cry, Vice City, Mechassault, RE remake and 0 type time when it was new and I never once wanted to get it, that's for babies.
  15. He didn't do it in a mean or angry way. It was passionate from what I understand.
  16. They were having a great conversation and he felt the time was right and kissed her on the lips and she reacted very awkwardly and didn't say anything for the last 10 minutes, at which time he went home. Apparently that coworker has a tendency to tell the bosses about everything that goes on. Should he be worried?
  17. Aldreay died a virgin, even though he was hoping Alice would make out with him as he was dying.
  18. That grayish-purple haired guy is such an incel!!! He wants to get laid by Alice.
  19. Any chance that the Zenigundam guy was involved? He said something in one of his videos about knocking out some behemoth in a restaurant.
  20. I stand alone. 🐰
  21. And that man Zenigundam reminds me of Mr. X. You reject him, and he's busting through walls to talk to you, like your crazy ex. 🐺
  22. Resident Evil 2 was and it was ruined by the remake Generation Z who likes shooting games and weigh 105lbs
  23. Now don't take this as an absolute truth, but several people around him have been telling me that he got Lily pregnant on Valentine's Day and that they're expecting their first child in November.
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