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Everything posted by Lytbryt

  1. Never go full retard
  2. Get a Otter Box
  3. Most peanut butter have sugar I just dont know why xylitol is in peantu butter it is a artifical sweetner
  4. Home is where the heart is
  5. I bet they wouldnt even tell us a first either theyll slip them in and after a few months be like "so how you like the bugs?" Actually that would probably be illegal to do but I wouldnt put it past the m
  6. Two years ago already they exist https://nypost.com/2017/08/16/bug-burgers-are-hitting-supermarket-shelves/ A supermarket chain in Switzerland will start selling edible bugs in the form of burgers. Coop, the country’s second-largest chain, will begin selling insect patties and mealworm balls in seven of their stores beginning Aug. 21. Created by Swiss startup Essento, the burgers are made with mealworms, rice and vegetables, and flavored with oregano and chili. The insect balls are made with mealworms, chickpeas, onions and garlic. In May, Switzerland revised its food safety laws to allow for the sale of insect products containing crickets, grasshoppers and mealworms — the first European country to do so. Insects “have a high culinary potential, their production saves resources and their nutritional profile is high-quality,” Christian Bärtsch, the co-founder of Essento, said in a statement.
  7. It might sound crazy now but give it 10 or 20 years bet you one hundted bucks they will shove bug burgers down our throats for the environment
  8. The impossible burger worries me I believe they are just trying to softly transition us over to bug burgers i know that sound scrazy but thats the future were headed to bet you hundred bucks
  9. Ive hear speculation that since most media is owned and operated by Chinese interests now it kina has to do with their opposition to supernatural programming like no ghosts and shit like that remember Ghostbusters 2016 they wouldnt let it play in China they said it was witchcraft or something like that gotta keep the investors happy
  10. I dont usually go to BK but when I do I go all out get like the triple King bacon clogger or whatever they peddlin
  11. Deep internet research
  12. OH no plz tell me not more VA drama cmon guys
  13. Vegeta is alright this probably his best point in the series tho if were being honest
  14. I always thought Gotenks and Gogeta were superior anyways
  15. Why tf they putting artifical sweetener in peanut butter dont they now people like to give their dog peanut butter to take medicine and for treats and stuff? Its like they want ur dog to get sick! Omg anyway turns out Peter Pan peanut butter doesnt have the xilitol so my doggie is safe..... I hope
  16. Okay but wut about Vegito?
  17. Im dress like a 🐱
  18. I finished the manga really hope the rest of it gets animated
  19. Sour Patch Kids = way better esp the tropicol flavored
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