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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. We played pretend and it was vodka. Cheers ❤️
  2. No you dont
  3. I love this photograph
  4. Can I have some?
  5. Need help? I have a propane torch
  6. Ten of us are in a full ass video chat drinking. Discord is LIT SUNDAY NITE!
  7. Shave it first
  8. Banned for using my real name no one knows
  9. I thought that said yams
  10. When I'm in the mood
  11. Are you implying I only fuck guys?
  12. Are you implying I'm cute?
  13. It won't be what I choose though.
  14. And what if I refuse?
  15. It was like the final boss of colds. Thankfully it happened after my camping trip. can't miss out on the good times!
  16. This is why we are going to Area 51!
  17. Yep I've been semi-following it. Rachel is pretty far from area 51 though...
  18. Ew clean your bathroom Why does your head look disproportionate to your body I love the fake tile shower surround. Your eyes are 18, your mouth is 32.
  19. I mean all around it is public state land. Don't harass the security (camo dudes) and don't cross the line, and you'l be fine.
  20. Don't cross the line and you will be fine.
  21. Nah i'm going camping this weekend.. with a large group and we will have a bar in a tent. (one of those big ass wedding reception sized tents). But I'll be king, for I have a tent ON WHEELS, WITH A KITCHEN
  22. You get it. ❤️
  23. I hope it is, I have a 2300 mile drive tomorrow.
  24. Cool thing is, no one can see what equipment I have in the back.
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