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Administration of Effluency
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Everything posted by Rogue_Alphonse

  1. Their Audi: Her Jeep: Oh no, some dirt was wiped off of the spare tire!
  2. I heard there's not much to do there >.>
  3. I was 45 mins from Rochester and I'll be going back in the Spring
  4. Not enough
  5. Depending?
  6. I'm not working on another roof for like 10 years
  7. Not roofs on 2 story homes... I'll end up fixing things but rarely it's a roof
  8. Spent time in the Western NY area. Holy shit old school console stuff is cheap out there... and I now have a source to get stuff! I also finally found Spiedie's State Fair marinade! Hell yeah! Got home at 8am after a 9 hour drive back... on top of being up at 8:45 the previous morning and doing things like repairing a roof leak on a very high and steep roof. So even though it wasn't technically a vacation (I had to re-support a falling off front porch as well as fix said roof), it still felt like one. And now I'm wired on 4 hours of sleep.
  9. First one is better, except they beat up a rust-free K-5 Blazer for no fucking reason.
  10. I'm better today...
  11. Well it was... and then someone decided to add to some plans I already had set in stone which stressed me into a headache not even hot tea can hold back.
  12. I did last night haha
  13. Rotten Ralph’s is an awesome little bar though!
  14. If I was Fucking more I’d be less depressed... and to put it into perspective I just fucked an hour ago.
  15. Their receipt predicted the future then... because I got that in 2014
  16. Depression is a major asshole. Good thing said plans are able to be postponed easily due to an understanding person.
  17. @Doom Metal Alchemist referring to your Deftones cake: Look up the band Nothing. I just discovered them tonight on local Philly radio.
  18. Scoob - Shut up. Stonergoth - Cheers!
  19. Tire Pressure Monitor Sensor, or TPMS systems. ABS, I actually removed the fuse for it in my Jeep. the current shitshow that is the nozzle on any gas can you buy. Traction control. The cutoff switch on reverse on riding mowers... as in if the blade is engaged and you put it in reverse, the mower shuts fucking off.
  20. DAMMIT I'll be in shortly
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