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Everything posted by 770312

  1. I look forward to the next iteration that I will join and abandon right away, only to pop in every couple years. >.>
  2. I read physical, electronic, and audiobooks. I do more of my reading with ebooks than physical books though because Kindles are light and easy. I don't listen to music so everytime I drive I'm listening to a book as well. Physical books are slowly draining me of my pennies, fancy publishers are too irresistible.
  3. Same happened to me, but I just used the help thing to get back in. It then needed a guardian to confirm I was allowed to use the site. Lol
  4. For some reason I looked up my old MAL account (which then lead me here again), the robot porn you left me is still there. XD
  5. This ol' rustbucket doesn't move like it once did.
  6. I do remember there was a user with numbers for her name, she usually posted in the babbling folder. I was a weeb and never left OA and .Com though, so when I made my account I didn't know about her. I just thought it would be fun to make an account name that matched the profile number. JFC, why am I remembering so much from so long ago? 🤣
  7. Lol, nope. That was my user number though - for my eimajtl account. I went by many a name, 770312 was the last name I used though.
  8. You're probably thinking of 141959.
  9. The show itself had a raging humanoid lion, one eyed alien, and more... and you're worried about other aliens being believable? No, you don't see Omniman fucking a mantis. The new kid looks human but has different colored skin. Invincible is a badass comic, give it a read!
  10. Holy shit... so many names from a billion years ago.
  11. It was mighty important, MIGHTY.
  12. Ha! Yessssss. I love that mask. ?
  13. Silly squishbag, robots can't die.
  14. Hmm, yes, its been ages. Its pretty awesome seeing so many familiar names active and posting! I need to get back on here and stay again.
  15. Budget is probably a couple hundred bucks. He has a TV, but he's convinced response time is better with a computer monitor.
  16. My nephew wants a monitor to play COD on his PS4 (yeah, yeah a computer would be better) but he's not getting one. What's a good monitor to go for or what do you look for in picking one out?
  17. It doesn't make a quote chain... bummer.
  18. Note to self: do not read The Circle by Dave Eggers.
  19. Stoner by John Williams A man lives his life. He does not partake in drugs. It is my favorite book. Absolute favorite.
  20. It's not as terrible as the first season would make it seem. I'm up to season six now and just saw the Hodor thing, which was kinda sad and well written. So not as turrible as I originally thought, but not the end all be all of story telling.
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