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Everything posted by 770312

  1. Yesssssss. I'm listening to the audiobook and I just want to drive around to listen to it. It also helps that Simon Vance has the perfect voice for books. >___> I think after i finish listening to this book I may have to check out that trilogy.
  2. 770312

    I'm here.

    It really is. I thought about making it my sig again, but I'm rocking this nekkid profile for a bit. Glad to see you've made it to this place as well!
  3. I'm somewhere in season five of Game of Thrones. I also watched the latest episode of Westworld today... I need to rewatch a couple scenes though, I was a little distracted while watching.
  4. 770312

    I'm here.

    Yes, whales are big.
  5. It's so pretty. I could get lost in there for hours. Days.
  6. I'm working through Blood Mirror right now... Ugh, I love this series so much. ? I appreciate an author who really masters language and has such a talent for wit.
  7. I do expect too much. There is some wit to be found, though, and that does save it a little bit. I'm on season five now.
  8. Diet Dew is liiiiiiiiiiife.
  9. That's good. I thought I was going to have to leave for a moment.
  10. 770312

    Dark Souls

    The recent DLC, Ashes of Ariendal, had so much promise but was so short and small. I wish they had really invested some time into it. Sigh. I may have to go back to the first or second game now.
  11. Fruitcake Apologist? Is this part of the ranks or an individually assigned rank?
  12. I do have to say though, so long as Tyrion lives, I'll watch the show. I have a soft spot for the noble outcast, who happens to be a bookworm. ❤
  13. I haven't reread them, but I really need to as I'm sure there's a lot I've missed. I haven't read the story about the girl in the tunnels, i forget her name... Have your read it? I don't mind waiting for new books, there are so many available to read in the meantime.
  14. I love it! There's so many fine details that provide layers and layers to the story, but are hidden in plain sight.
  15. No that's wrong!
  16. Don't be angry, it's just an opinion.
  17. Show me your beasts. My newest snake that'll be delivered next week. ?
  18. I'm not sure why I decided to start watching (actually it's because I have a trial of HBO Now) but I'm not really enjoying it. I greatly disliked the first book and the show is no better. Everyone just hates each other for no goddamn reason. I just finished season three...
  19. Another tip: don't get used to the place, it'll change to a new platform in a month. >_________>
  20. I've been with the [asmb] since January 2014... I think I can handle editing posts.
  21. It's not there for scrubs... just found that in a different thread.
  22. Not being able to edit is stupid - it'll just clog up threads when one person makes a few posts because of a typo. (screw proofreading! Rawr)
  23. I love this Stray color. ... How do I edit posts BTW?
  24. Beast Master checking in. >____>
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